brother in law gave me a 4 pack of this rare bird. not usually a stout guy, but sampled one from his stash today and it was a homerun. Bourbon barrel aged ass kicker with great flavor. Ive got 4 in the fridge. Cmon over

we could just relax and reminisce about the past 2 or 3 years.................have a good Dayhmm, head to your place, drink big beers and listen to you wax poetically about the ass beating your team put on mine this year ... damn I'm busy.
My reputation precedes me ....hicI can't help but think our own @beerking would have managed to guzzle it:
Do note the only comment from the emlpoyee: "I had to get a sneak peak [sic] of how good the beer tasted,”
Weird, as there seems to be not much of a pattern. I can see Utah being as low as it is, and Nevada being as high as it is, but that's about it.
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I'll bet that the beer consumed at just the Packer's games is almost as much consumed all year in Oklahoma.It is weird. I mean, Wyoming? Wisconsin, damn beer