Tweets from Andy P. re: Oranges and Lemons


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Ah, I just found a hidden track featuring Mike Keneally on guitar. Sweet :)

Where and what??

There's a great interview here with Pat Mastelotto about the making of the album, which mentions Mike Kineally:

My 2 new arrivals this week (so far!) are Oranges and Lemons and Thrakbox, and I couldn't help thinking how different these 2 albums are, and how liking both is indicative of a wide musical taste. I then remembered that they both share the same drummer!
From the "Other Recordings" page hit left or right button. (y)

This, of course, begs the question..... Did we miss any hidden gems on Nonsuch or Drums & Wires?

But more importantly, I must implore the Lords of the Shed that Burns, why hath thou forsaken me? All ye other brave QQ knights hath partaken in the goodness that is good Lord Wilson's mix of the melodic fruit that is Oranges & Lemons yet my package hath not yet arriveth. I sense a horrible curse is upon me! I implore thee, please ease my suffering and let me bathe in the golden 5.1 light of Sir Gregory's 12-string Rickenbacker! Your humble servant awaits its arrival at his mailbox! :worthy
This, of course, begs the question..... Did we miss any hidden gems on Nonsuch or Drums & Wires?

But more importantly, I must implore the Lords of the Shed that Burns, why hath thou forsaken me? All ye other brave QQ knights hath partaken in the goodness that is good Lord Wilson's mix of the melodic fruit that is Oranges & Lemons yet my package hath not yet arriveth. I sense a horrible curse is upon me! I implore thee, please ease my suffering and let me bathe in the golden 5.1 light of Sir Gregory's 12-string Rickenbacker! Your humble servant awaits its arrival at his mailbox! :worthy

Well, for what it's worth: I have fond memories of the day "The Yes Album" arrived from Burning Shed, on a Saturday when I was raking leaves. So I looked at my emails from Burning Shed and saw that it was dispatched on a Friday. Therefore, since I received an email stating that Oranges and Lemons was dispatched last Friday, I'm expecting my fruit to arrive this Saturday.
Out of my pile of discs that I arrived today I ended up playing Oranges & Lemons as I was curious (I have the CD). I would usually have put myself into the have to be in the right mood to listen to XTC group, so like them but not totally into zone. This 5.1 mix is brilliant it really opens up the album, loved it, its going to get played a lot:cool: Thanks Mr. Wilson :worthy
From the "Other Recordings" page hit left or right button. (y)

It's there as you said "My Train Is Coming" with Mike Keneally (y). How did you know where to look?!

I am surprised that the songwriting credits and lyrics aren't included in the booklet with this at all. No problem though, I've just moved the booklet from my old (now redundant) cd into the box of this new version.
It's there as you said "My Train Is Coming" with Mike Keneally (y). How did you know where to look?!

Stumbled upon it. I occasionally do a little Easter Egg hunting. :)

I am surprised that the songwriting credits and lyrics aren't included in the booklet with this at all. No problem though, I've just moved the booklet from my old (now redundant) cd into the box of this new version.

Yeah, I'll probably do the same. The new detailed notes from the band more than make up for the omission IMO.
Well, for what it's worth: I have fond memories of the day "The Yes Album" arrived from Burning Shed, on a Saturday when I was raking leaves. So I looked at my emails from Burning Shed and saw that it was dispatched on a Friday. Therefore, since I received an email stating that Oranges and Lemons was dispatched last Friday, I'm expecting my fruit to arrive this Saturday.
Blame the USPS. Mine was also dispatched from Burning Shed last Friday, but arrived yesterday. It now lies unopened on top of Best of the Doors (SACD), Rattle That Lock, and Amused to Death. If only my sub wasn't in the shop. Sigh..........
Blame the USPS. Mine was also dispatched from Burning Shed last Friday, but arrived yesterday. It now lies unopened on top of Best of the Doors (SACD), Rattle That Lock, and Amused to Death. If only my sub wasn't in the shop. Sigh..........

Oh, I blame them a LOT! After my Audio Fidelity SACD of Blood, Sweat & Tears didn't arrive after a week, I contacted them and they sent me another... and they both arrived on the SAME DAY. Brilliant.
OK - all you XTC fans. While I have no previous idea about the songs on this....I'm pretty sure those of you who love these songs are gonna flat out love this Wilson version. It's very active and very crystal clear. I don't have much else to say at this point, as I'm hearing the songs for the first time.
But more importantly, I must implore the Lords of the Shed that Burns, why hath thou forsaken me? All ye other brave QQ knights hath partaken in the goodness that is good Lord Wilson's mix of the melodic fruit that is Oranges & Lemons yet my package hath not yet arriveth. I sense a horrible curse is upon me! I implore thee, please ease my suffering and let me bathe in the golden 5.1 light of Sir Gregory's 12-string Rickenbacker! Your humble servant awaits its arrival at his mailbox! :worthy

Verily, this hath gotta suck, dude. :(
It's there as you said "My Train Is Coming" with Mike Keneally

I've got to go back to AudioMuxer...there was one "orphaned" file I just assumed was a menu or something since I could match everything else back to the tracklisting. I'll have to extract it and see what I get!

I am surprised that the songwriting credits and lyrics aren't included in the booklet with this at all.

I thought that was really odd as well and wonder if everyone explicitly signed off on it or if it was just a huge oversight. Kinda like the claim that the instrumental mixes are 5.1...