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2K Club - QQ Super Nova
QQ Supporter
Jan 3, 2020
Central FL
I went to see the "remake" of the movie Twister/s at the theater Wednesday 7/24.
It's very rare for a reboot to equal the original, let alone surpass it, but this one is that exception.
A very high adrenaline film that will keep you on the edge of your seat thru a good majority of it's
running time. Great fun with my only regret being going to the local cinema rather than the IMAX which
is only a few miles further down the roar. :( One hell of a thrill ride, be sure to see it if your not of
the faint of heart.. Can't wait till it comes out on BD to see/hear how well my home rig will stand up..

Thanks, Sal. We want to see this. I trust a QQr’s review more than all of the official ones combined.
Kool, put it on your weekend date list. Myself and the friends I went with all loved it,
and folks walking out were all talking "good movie".
The best part of all is that it's the first movie I've seen in a long time that's not packed with a bunch of politically correct morality preaching and all that stuff (you know what I'm talkin bout) we're bombarded with today.
Just a lot of good visual and noisy fun. ;)
Did Wall's Ice Cream miss a marketing 'opportunity'?
The best part of all is that it's the first movie I've seen in a long time that's not packed with a bunch of politically correct morality preaching and all that stuff (you know what I'm talkin bout) we're bombarded with today.
Well, those are the kinds of movies, although deep and socially relevant, I watch only once.

Now stuff like Attack Of The Crab Monsters…I’ve seen that one probably ten times. It’s the usual silly plot where monsters kill everybody except for the good looking scientist and her boyfriend. The professor from Gilligan’s Island takes one for the team at the end and saves the day. A 1950s sci-fi B movie classic. (Well it rates somewhere in the English alphabet. lol)
Well, those are the kinds of movies, although deep and socially relevant, I watch only once.

Now stuff like Attack Of The Crab Monsters…I’ve seen that one probably ten times. It’s the usual silly plot where monsters kill everybody except for the good looking scientist and her boyfriend. The professor from Gilligan’s Island takes one for the team at the end and saves the day. A 1950s sci-fi B movie classic. (Well it rates somewhere in the English alphabet. lol)
AR, I'm more partial to BED BUGS: THE FOUR POSTER BED EDITION! With it's iconic theme song:

Every Night when you're sleeping
Those bed bugs come a creepin'

Around, round, round ...round.......
I went to see the "remake" of the movie Twister/s at the theater Wednesday 7/24.
It's very rare for a reboot to equal the original, let alone surpass it, but this one is that exception.
A very high adrenaline film that will keep you on the edge of your seat thru a good majority of it's
running time. Great fun with my only regret being going to the local cinema rather than the IMAX which
is only a few miles further down the roar. :( One hell of a thrill ride, be sure to see it if your not of
the faint of heart.. Can't wait till it comes out on BD to see/hear how well my home rig will stand up..

great movie (as was the original). Saw it in the cinema a couple of weeks ago.