Unlock your OPPO Blu-ray player for all DVD regions!


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Senior Member
Jun 19, 2007
Hello to all Oppo lovers and owners! :hi

Searching in the net to find if an Oppo UDP-203 can playback an ISO file, I found this great news in the Australian Oppo official site!! Well, in fact are news for me and hope for you too. This page has the step-by-step procedure to make your Oppo play any DVD no matter what region it is!!! Just need a CDr, make it an image disc (ISO file to be downloaded) and insert it to your player. So it's an official and safety software mod. Oppo support in USA confirmed to me that it's a safe procedure!

Now I'm a happy Oppo UDP-203 owner playing my region 2 & 4 DVDs without a problem! :LB

Here's the link if you're insterested:

Hello to all Oppo lovers and owners! :hi

Searching in the net to find if an Oppo UDP-203 can playback an ISO file, I found this great news in the Australian Oppo official site!! Well, in fact are news for me and hope for you too. This page has the step-by-step procedure to make your Oppo play any DVD no matter what region it is!!! Just need a CDr, make it an image disc (ISO file to be downloaded) and insert it to your player. So it's an official and safety software mod. Oppo support in USA confirmed to me that it's a safe procedure!

Now I'm a happy Oppo UDP-203 owner playing my region 2 & 4 DVDs without a problem! :LB

Here's the link if you're insterested:

Hey Barbazul
I just wanted to say thanks for the hack tip. I DL'ed the file & took about 5 secs to update my 105 (after burning the disc).
I have a lot of Japanese anime & concert videos & of course the Blu-Rays work fine. The DVD always required ripping with Slysoft & burning to disc or playing from my PC. So wonderful to just grab a DVD, any DVD, & push play.
Hey Barbazul
I just wanted to say thanks for the hack tip. I DL'ed the file & took about 5 secs to update my 105 (after burning the disc).
I have a lot of Japanese anime & concert videos & of course the Blu-Rays work fine. The DVD always required ripping with Slysoft & burning to disc or playing from my PC. So wonderful to just grab a DVD, any DVD, & push play.

You’re welcome! ;)
Hey Barbazul
I just wanted to say thanks for the hack tip. I DL'ed the file & took about 5 secs to update my 105 (after burning the disc).
I have a lot of Japanese anime & concert videos & of course the Blu-Rays work fine. The DVD always required ripping with Slysoft & burning to disc or playing from my PC. So wonderful to just grab a DVD, any DVD, & push play.

Good to know. I bought the USB solution on Ebay for my 105, but never hooked it up. I guess this hack renders that obsolete?
Good to know. I bought the USB solution on Ebay for my 105, but never hooked it up. I guess this hack renders that obsolete?
I think the USB thingy allows all region blu-ray playback without doing keystroke acrobatics, the file hack doesn't affect new updates, just redo the hack after updating. The file hack I think makes you press certain key combos to change blu-ray region, DVD is automatic. Not sure how it affects NTSC/ATSC vs. Pal/Secam output.
I think the USB thingy allows all region blu-ray playback without doing keystroke acrobatics, the file hack doesn't affect new updates, just redo the hack after updating. The file hack I think makes you press certain key combos to change blu-ray region, DVD is automatic. Not sure how it affects NTSC/ATSC vs. Pal/Secam output.
FYI to all: My neighbors are 1st gen Germans & they occasionally bring (their legally purchased) DVD's for me to rip. I use Slysoft/Redfox Any DVD HD & then burn a copy so they can play American NTSC players. Anyway I just tested & succesfully played both a PAL & SECAM disc with no issues at all. They are not into Blu-rays so I don't know how out of region BR's would work. If it takes a few button pushes as Circular Vibes says, I still think it is a great hack.
I did the update a few days ago on my 103D and was having handshake issues - audio and video would drop out briefly every four or five seconds - but then I remembered I'm supposed to restore the player back to factory settings after updating its firmware and then reconfigure accordingly. Suffice to say, the handshake issue is gone, doh!
I wanted to make my Oppo 203 all region. After dwelling on it for months I realized I'm not utilizing it to best effect. Not using the DAC and it's basically just a transport. The cost of these has gone sky high. Why not save the Oppo for a rainy day?
I got a region free Sony X-800 for $369 USD delivered. I'm very surprised that they play DVDA & multichannel SACD. Might as well put mileage on this much less expensive player.
I will still use the Yamaha 1060 because it decodes my Audio Fidelity HDCD discs.