I took resolution to mean the audio; with DVD-A almost completely dormant, it's fairly obvious what you get on a DVD anymore.Right, it's not the resolution at issue with bluray vs DVD - it's lossy vs. nonlossy encoding.
I took resolution to mean the audio; with DVD-A almost completely dormant, it's fairly obvious what you get on a DVD anymore.Right, it's not the resolution at issue with bluray vs DVD - it's lossy vs. nonlossy encoding.
I took resolution to mean the audio; with DVD-A almost completely dormant, it's fairly obvious what you get on a DVD anymore.
Right. A DVD-A can be lossless. So can a bluray. But a DTS DVD isn't. Still better than Dolby Digital though.
If you are using data compression, I think 48/24 is preferable - wasting bits otherwise.
udiscovermusic claims "HIGH RESOLUTION 5.1 SURROUND SOUND MIX / NEW STEREO MIX".So, the "bundle" from Burning Shed...those DVD's...do they have the 5.1 mixes on them? What resolution are they?
As a medium DVD-A is sadly dead. The problem is the lack of valid (so legal copies) of supported authoring software, which is what the record companies require. Giancarlo Era (Nosound) has managed to produce one for his solo album using supported software (but 'breaking' the DVD-A/V specification rules, but that is OK), but as people will see the DVD-A menu isn't pretty (the software gives you no choice and can't be modified) but it works - I have tried the test pressing from Optimal.Is it forbidden (nowadays) to produce a DVD-Audio with mlp and a DVD-V part with DTS and/or DD like those King Crimson DVD-A/Vs ?
Or is it simply so save some bucks?
Interesting, it is maybe possible to ask him some more questions?I've asked Mark Powell (the set's producer) to clarify about Blu-Ray in the box and DVD for the 4 smaller reissues.
As a medium DVD-A is sadly dead. The problem is the lack of valid (so legal copies) of supported authoring software, which is what the record companies require. Giancarlo Era (Nosound) has managed to produce one for his solo album using supported software (but 'breaking' the DVD-A/V specification rules, but that is OK), but as people will see the DVD-A menu isn't pretty (the software gives you no choice and can't be modified) but it works - I have tried the test pressing from Optimal.
Just as worryingly is the lack of DVD-A support in newer players. Obsolescence, sucks! I can play my late father's 78s, some of which must be 75+ years old, but I can almost guarantee I wouldn't be able to find a machine to play DVD-As in 75 years, mind you that would make me around 138!
Another one of the forthcoming remixed tracks has just been released as a "single". The song is Killer from the album H To He:
It sounds great.
A new one was released yesterday (wrongly labeled Man-Erg, this is actually Pilgrims). I can hear many tracks that were not in the original mix. Totally made my morning
Thanks. Nice interview. This quote is exciting: "I had been trying to convince several artists/bands to consider mixing previous classic albums in surround since the mid 2000s, but nobody seemed interested. These days however there is a lot of interest."Great interview here with Stephen about the VdGG project:
Stephen W Tayler Interview
Well, these days fan bases and labels are very interested, but sadly there are still quite a few artists who seem to be hard to convince!Thanks. Nice interview. This quote is exciting: "I had been trying to convince several artists/bands to consider mixing previous classic albums in surround since the mid 2000s, but nobody seemed interested. These days however there is a lot of interest."
Thanks for trying to convert them! I think a lot of people hear the 'remix' part of 'surround remix' and instantly think it means the music will be butchered like a bad 80s 12" mix. They don't realise that a surround mix will sound the same - but better!Well, these days fan bases and labels are very interested, but sadly there are still quite a few artists who seem to be hard to convince!
I'm not expecting an answer, but wouldn't it be nice to follow this VDGG set with a Peter Hammill solo Charisma set with 5.1 mixes!! There's 8 Hammill solo Charisma albums and he's an artist who's already been convinced!Well, these days fan bases and labels are very interested, but sadly there are still quite a few artists who seem to be hard to convince!
Now that you mention it... how about a Shep Pettibone remix of Killer?... 80s 12" mix...
Funnily enough, I first noticed the name Stephen W Tayler because he was credited as the remixer of a Chris De Burgh 12" that I bought for my girlfriend. I actually like 12" mixes most of the time and Stephen's mix was well done, I thought. (I'd love to hear some 12" mixes in surround - Fairlight stabs bouncing around the room would be tiring but fun for a while. But maybe not Pettibone doing VDGG!)Now that you mention it... how about a Shep Pettibone remix of Killer?