Hi my name is Mark and I'm a surround sound addict (in the background group says "Hello Mark!").
I'd rather listen to a multichannel DVD than a record or CD or even a stereo only SACD. I'll often listen to CD's in Dolby PL2 Music except that for some reason it tends to make vocals sound like they were recorded in a cave. 5 channel stereo works better but seems to induce listener fatigue. Another favorite thing is to put on a DVD and listen to it without picture. They're often less compressed and of course are multichannel which still sounds better than any stereo version.
There are a bunch of other things I wanted to talk about like how multichannel could be simplified by the use of wireless speakers and how all AV receivers should have multichannel outs given how they occupy the same space as stereo amps and are expected to deliver 5/7/9/11/13!?! channels or how Soundbars are the devil's work
unless they can be expanded to multichannel! or......................