What's the Latest DISCRETE Quad LP Added to Your Pile? CD-4, UD-4


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Hi. All

Another CD-4 LP.

( Victor. CD-4 cd4w-7034 -El Condor Pasa Los Quilla Huasi )-
View attachment 28285

"Los ejes de mi carreta" (more or less "The wheel axles of my carriage"...which squeak and he refuses to grease them because their noise keeps him company during the long trips...) was my grandmother's favorite song...

It holds a special place in my heart...she passed away in 2001 and my aunt "held her ashes hostage" for six years until we "liberated" them the way she had always wanted; in Boquerón Beach in Cabo Rojo , Puerto Rico...the restaurant that was over the water had already been torn down, but we did it on the beach anyway, and I started singing the song while spreading her ashes...I could feel her "being freed"...

She was a VERY special person; a "modern" soul who had been born too soon and I remember her EVERY DAY...she was beautiful , smart, funny..and a bit crazy...
This is my favorite photo of hers...I LOVE the portrait photos they used to do back then...IIRC she told me she was about 40 years old and it was early in the morning...what a trooper!!!

Sorry for the derail!!!
hey Ralph, how's it going? not played with it properly yet, hope to soon :upthumb

Doing GREAT, AB! Been immersed in building up my 3D BD~V collection as it's the next endangered media species. I'm tearing up, already:yikes

You're building up a most impressive CD~4 collection. Bethcha you can't wait until your Surround Master has its companion CD~4 2017~18 'vintage' demodulator which I'm sure will be absolute state of the art making your QUADRADISC super sleuthing eminently worthwhile.