Craig Fuller wasn't in PPL for this album or Two Lane Highway (which was also released in quad the year before).
He did Bustin' Out with them in 1972 and shortly after the album was released, he was put in jail for evading the Vietnam draft - he was a conscientious objector but I guess couldn't get status arranged in a way sufficient to avoid jail. After he went to jail, RCA dropped the band and they broke up, but then got back together a while later with Larry Goshorn on lead vocals and guitar. They started touring again even though they didn't have a new album or a recording contract and that's what started to spike the popularity of 'Amie' off Bustin Out, which was a hit for them in 1975, nearly 3 years after it was originally recorded. It was the popularity of that song that got RCA to re-sign the band, and so Two Lane Highway is actually the followup album to Bustin Out, even though it was released more than 3 years later.
I think Fuller did a few things before he was in Little Feat, a couple of albums with a band called American Flyer in the mid 70's, and then an album with Eric Kaz after that. It is a shame that RCA never did a quad mix of Bustin' Out as it is probably their best record, but with them getting dropped there was probably no chance at the time and then by the time they got popular again it was probably considered old hat and then in a blink of an eye quad was dead.
Another interesting Pure Prairie League quad link is that the producer of their two quad albums was John Boylan - his very next project after PPL was producing the first Boston album. I think the fact that he was a 'quad-friendly' producer lends creedence to the idea that the Boston LP may have been mixed for quad.