What's the Latest MATRIX LP/CD Added to Your Pile? SQ, QS, RM, EV


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STOKED to clean and spin this hilarity!
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Bought this album in a used record store , more of a curiosity than a demo for SQ matrix . Although they do have some sound effects on 3 tracks.

I notice the music tracks come from a 1970 King Records album.

Vanguard VSQ -3X SQ quad matrix

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King Records distributed Vanguard in Japan
Bought this album in a used record store , more of a curiosity than a demo for SQ matrix . Although they do have some sound effects on 3 tracks.

I notice the music tracks come from a 1970 King Records album.

Vanguard VSQ -3X SQ quad matrix

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King Records distributed Vanguard in Japan, but in QS, not SQ.
SQ and QS recordings were both tested and evaluated in 1972 at Electra Studios , in the U.S. This according to Jac Holzman of Electra Records . Both Atlantic and Electra records are made at Electra Studios. As is reported in Billboard Magazine July 01 1972 , pg 68 .

So WEA did try out matrix records prior to committing to CD -4 , almost a year later.

It's really too bad they didn't follow A&M'S practice of actually releasing disc's in SQ and QS for the public to evaluate , before committing to CD-4.
Which is exactly what they did with Atlantic Records in Japan.

I agree that SQ emblem looks so great on an Atlantic Record , albeit Japanese.
Blame Brad Miller, from MoFi, for forcing WEA's hand on their adoption of CD-4. WEA had initially announced they were going to use QS, but Miller, who licensed his Mystic Moods albums to WEA, threw a fit, saying he would not allow his quad albums to be released in a matrix format, and he was going to pull his titles. WEA caved under pressure.
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the seller posted "Great Shape" , which is a RED FLAG if you ever saw one...it arrived and it had a BUNCH of ..not just fingerprints, but SMUDGES as fingerprints... got a partial refund at least! (can I say I HATE it when people do not put their LPs under a BRIGHT LIGHT?..rant over)
Thankfully after I cleaned it with 91% ALCOHOL it was quite decent...
the seller posted "Great Shape" , which is a RED FLAG if you ever saw one...it arrived and it had a BUNCH of ..not just fingerprints, but SMUDGES as fingerprints... got a partial refund at least! (can I say I HATE it when people do not put their LPs under a BRIGHT LIGHT?..rant over)
Thankfully after I cleaned it with 91% ALCOHOL it was quite decent...
get ready for some EQ'ing fun! 😋🤭 the Quad mix is fabulous in terms of placement and channel balances but i found the mix very midrange-y sounding, especially so on the SQ LP 🤷🏻‍♀️
Blame Brad Miller, from MoFi, for forcing WEA's hand on their adoption of CD-4. WEA had initially announced they were going to use QS, but Miller, who licensed his Mystic Moods albums to WEA, threw a fit, saying he would not allow his quad albums to be released in a matrix format, and he was going to pull his titles. WEA caved under pressure.

Another voice of doom for matrix was Arthur Kusisto , Motorola. He being on the NQRC panel , never missed the opportunity to denigrate all things matrix quad. You can find some of his negative comments throughout Billboard Magazine , in the mid 70's, whenever quad formats were discussed.
I, for one, am glad when any of the record companies opted for CD-4 over any matrix system.

EDIT: Oops, I guess this isn't really the right thread for this comment.

No, your opinion is valid. If decoders, of the quality of the Surround Master, were available back in the 70's, there might not have been a need for CD-4. Truth is, the decoders of that day were nothing short of abysmal. Even with some sort of logic assistance, you didn't get great separation. Full logic SQ came close, but even those decoders tended to become confused by heavy action in all channels. The Tate system helped, but was limited to SQ. Sansui's Vario-Matrix system a the separation of QS and EV recordings, but the higher quality QSD-1, and the QS decoders in the QRX-X001 receivers, improved considerably on that. All of that came, pretty much, after the record companies stopped pressing the records. The Surround Master, which is also a late-bloomer, put high separation decoding for SQ, QS, and pretty much any other matrix system into the hands of quad enthusiasts at a reasonable price. A few new recordings have been released, on CD and LP, in RM, using the Quark system, or Involve encoding. They sound great!
https://translate.google.com -> click 'Images' -> pick 'Japanese' above the left window and 'English' above the right window -> click 'browse your files' and locate the image, or Ctrl+C copy it from your image editing software and click 'Paste from clipboard' -> result:

View attachment 108729
I used that technique to read a handful of Japanese karaoke discs I posted on discogs. Not excellent, I suppose (one of a set of identical titles was different and didn’t make sense).
https://translate.google.com -> click 'Images' -> pick 'Japanese' above the left window and 'English' above the right window -> click 'browse your files' and locate the image, or Ctrl+C copy it from your image editing software and click 'Paste from clipboard' -> result:

View attachment 108729
If you check out the discogs listing for this title, you'll see that the LP package also contains four page gatefold inner leaflets and a six page insert that has a large listing of other LPs (but also in Japanese); that I will try out this technique on once scanned and post up the results here. Some of them show the label "Wergo" out of Germany surprisingly to me. I didn't find any Wergo Quadraphonic releases on a discogs search. But, maybe there are some unknowns in there :unsure:
If you check out the discogs listing for this title, you'll see that the LP package also contains four page gatefold inner leaflets and a six page insert that has a large listing of other LPs (but also in Japanese); that I will try out this technique on once scanned and post up the results here. Some of them show the label "Wergo" out of Germany surprisingly to me. I didn't find any Wergo Quadraphonic releases on a discogs search. But, maybe there are some unknowns in there :unsure:

Very interesting, looking forward to seeing what you dig up...
Back in October I 'accidentally' bought a CD-4 LP set of Massenet's Thais:
What I intended to buy (!) was the SQ version, and I finally got around to correcting my mistake this by taking delivery of this box today:

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Incidentally, since I've no means of playing discrete records, if anyone in the UK would like that sealed CD-4 set FOC then PM me and I'll stick it in the post to you.
Found this in my latest Salvation Army rescue mission, in NM condition (without the libretto but I found it online, at least the CD booklet version), does anyone know how discrete this mix is? EMI ones are usually quite good...
Very interesting, looking forward to seeing what you dig up...
according to the discogs site for this release, the notes state that it has a "six page insert with other Quad releases", however, I believe that's wrong; therefore I'm not going to waste a bunch of time and space here for display. I did convert the first page, which also shows a release for this same title, but if you look at the translation scan below, it doesn't have the SSSS 2<->4 stamp at the lower right and top section about "Quadrix..." on the front cover. And I also can't find that stereo release in discogs anywhere to verify. It would be RSP 7010, see the pic below.
If you see anything that might could be a Quad release let me know, but I am doubtful.

Insert page 1 (translation).jpg
according to the discogs site for this release, the notes state that it has a "six page insert with other Quad releases", however, I believe that's wrong; therefore I'm not going to waste a bunch of time and space here for display. I did convert the first page, which also shows a release for this same title, but if you look at the translation scan below, it doesn't have the SSSS 2<->4 stamp at the lower right and top section about "Quadrix..." on the front cover. And I also can't find that stereo release in discogs anywhere to verify. It would be RSP 7010, see the pic below.
If you see anything that might could be a Quad release let me know, but I am doubtful.

Yeah, it looks to me from what I can see there to be a list of all the Trio stereo LPs and reel-to-reel tapes. I think if there was any quad in there anywhere they'd make it obvious in the listing and/or headers - maybe just have a look for any of the known catalog numbers for Trio quad LPs or tapes, and see if they show up anywhere in there..
I don't know about WERGO /TRIO SSSS Quadrix disc's.....but

They , WERGO do have at least one cd in Circle Surround , and one disc in SACD multichannel.
The real winner though is their 2004 DVDA Sampler of mainly electronic artists from the label.
Just do a discogs search for WERGO SURROUND SOUND and 4 will show.