well I got Captain Fantastic, GYBR on both SACD and DVD-A(which kicks the SACD's butt-besides I also got it for a normal price on amaz+n US recently) ad Honky Chateau , which is my favorite....
On another note, I recently got BNL- Everything to Everyone eon DVD-A used from Zoverstocks (amaz*n marketplace) and it arrived and was skipping all over on my OPPO(!!)...took a good look at it and noticed that it had been polished to death , looks like it was REALLY scratched and some idiot thought that , if you polish it enough, it'll go away...well , yes , it does..ALONG WITH THE LAYERS/PITS AND THE INFO!!!!!
Returned it and haven't received a full refund ...heck , it cost me about 6 Euros to return it, almost what I paid for it...so buyer beware....