Could you provide some real world examples to support your hypothesis that [high end premium audio] electronics have become cheaper over time due to economies of scale? High end premium products in general don't sell enough "units" to support "more for less". Sorry but Sony has not been "high end" since Akio Morita's death.
Bear in mind that I'm not referring to cheap, throw away, made in Chyna electronic toys you buy at Wally's world. And waiting around for five years to determine what is a company's rep before purchase would render the product under consideration obsolete by five years.
Economies of scale for state of the art products?
High end Apple iPhone/iPad/etc...? - Nope!
High end personal computers? - Nope!
High end 4K TVs? - Nope
High end drones? - Nope!
High end cars? - Nope!
High end home appliances? - Nope!
High end HVAC systems? - Nope! [New AC system prices will rise 30% next year.]
High end building materials? - Nope!
If you're satisfied with a $200 Sony BR player then go for one.
There is a reason why a decade old discontinued Oppo 205 still commands a premium price.