3D TV & Blu-Rays


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Uncle Obscure

Senior Member
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Dec 11, 2023
Columbia, MO
I almost got through the three-album DV release of The Isely Brothers last night. Almost. But then, Dune 1 in 3D was discounted for Prime day, so it’s supposed to show up today. Maybe stagnation is the best I can hope for.
Yikes! Are you joking or do you still have a system that's equipped to play 3D Blu-rays? I have around 175 of them in my library and absolutely no way to play them. When my last plasma TV died in 2018, so did my ability to play 3D Blu-rays. Its demise coincided perfectly with the U.S. television industry abandoning the format and removing the functionality from all new TVs. It's really sad, too, because when authored correctly and on a calibrated display, the experience can be akin to an enthralling Quadio or 5.1 surround music disc. Just like with SACD, DVD Audio, etc., there are some revelatory 3D Blu-ray discs that serious videophiles still collect.
Yikes! Are you joking or do you still have a system that's equipped to play 3D Blu-rays? I have around 175 of them in my library and absolutely no way to play them. When my last plasma TV died in 2018, so did my ability to play 3D Blu-rays. Its demise coincided perfectly with the U.S. television industry abandoning the format and removing the functionality from all new TVs. It's really sad, too, because when authored correctly and on a calibrated display, the experience can be akin to an enthralling Quadio or 5.1 surround music disc. Just like with SACD, DVD Audio, etc., there are some revelatory 3D Blu-ray discs that serious videophiles still collect.
I used to work at Sony & managed to get + still have 4 Sony 3D sets that work fine. I have only watched 3 movies in 3D & really enjoyed the effects. If not too much trouble, what 3D movies do you have?

Thanks, Rog
Yikes! Are you joking or do you still have a system that's equipped to play 3D Blu-rays? I have around 175 of them in my library and absolutely no way to play them. When my last plasma TV died in 2018, so did my ability to play 3D Blu-rays. Its demise coincided perfectly with the U.S. television industry abandoning the format and removing the functionality from all new TVs. It's really sad, too, because when authored correctly and on a calibrated display, the experience can be akin to an enthralling Quadio or 5.1 surround music disc. Just like with SACD, DVD Audio, etc., there are some revelatory 3D Blu-ray discs that serious videophiles still collect.

As this thread already appears to be built upon non sequitur, I don't feel bad contributing to yet another tangent. Count me as a fellow 3D-o-phile, albeit only within the last several years. I have about 250 3D blu-rays in my collection.

I was focused much more on 4K UHD content, but one day happened to pop in a 3D blu-ray, and wowzers... I was hooked. I really wish they had incorporated 3D into the 4K spec, as the increased resolution, but more importantly color grading and wider gamut could have created for an insane experience.

I still have a 65-inch 1st gen Sony 4K TV, as well as a 75-inch 2nd gen Samsung 4K TV, both of which support 3D playback. However, the star of the show is my main movie setup, which sports an AWOLvision UST (ultra short throw) projector and 110-inch screen. The projector market is where 3D playback has gone (as well as VR).

The UST projector makes projection SO much more viable without breaking the bank. It sits at the base of the screen rather than across the room, so light does not dissapate to the same extent as traditional projection, meaning it is usable in rooms without complete darkness. In fact, I can watch mine with all the room lights on, so I can do other things while watching. It's not solely a movie activity if I don't want it to be. This means they can be used in nondedicated spaces. At $2,500-$4,000 (plus screen) it's nowhere near the 5+ figure expense a projection system used to entail... that's the price of a good quality 4K TV.

All that to say, don't give up on watching that 3D content! There are viable options.
Out of curiosity, do you need Active or Passive glasses for your projector viewing?

Getting back to Rhino and Quadio batch #5, does anyone recall exactly why Atlantic opted to include two different versions of "Friends" on the Divine Miss M album? I'm sure there is a story behind it, but I just don't recall what it is.
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Yikes! Are you joking or do you still have a system that's equipped to play 3D Blu-rays? I have around 175 of them in my library and absolutely no way to play them. When my last plasma TV died in 2018, so did my ability to play 3D Blu-rays. Its demise coincided perfectly with the U.S. television industry abandoning the format and removing the functionality from all new TVs. It's really sad, too, because when authored correctly and on a calibrated display, the experience can be akin to an enthralling Quadio or 5.1 surround music disc. Just like with SACD, DVD Audio, etc., there are some revelatory 3D Blu-ray discs that serious videophiles still collect.
It would be interesting to see if 3-D functionality could be resurrected and incorporated into something like an Apple Vision headset and streamed via Apple TV.
I'm a coffee snob. So, for me to say I really like it means I really like it. All those "sheep" that just think it's cool to have a Starbucks in their hand, well you know. I generally wouldn't want to associate with them. My brothers both hate it and say it tastes burnt. lol. Yet, they buy their coffee from Casey's gas stations, which obviously is horrendous.
I always have a bag of Starbucks beans at home, but invariably mix the beans with lighter roasts I order from other coffee companies, Volcanica to name one.
Another non sequiter here
Please bring back 3D
I also have an early Sony 4k TV that does passive 3D but lacks HDR and the 4K improvements.
I would love to update it but don't want to lose 3D functionality.
Either that or look for a used 2016 LG 3D tv.....
Another non sequiter here
Please bring back 3D
I also have an early Sony 4k TV that does passive 3D but lacks HDR and the 4K improvements.
I would love to update it but don't want to lose 3D functionality.
Either that or look for a used 2016 LG 3D tv.....
I use an LG of that vintage for passive and a cheap 3D projector for active. I don’t watch 3D often, but it’s fun when I do.
In "The Jetsons", when they got Astro, they discovered he was originally owned by a rich guy (J.P.Gottrockets) who had named him "Tralfaz". Astro, himself, would go "Tralfaz - YUCK! I have the sane attitude about coffee.

Yikes! Are you joking or do you still have a system that's equipped to play 3D Blu-rays? I have around 175 of them in my library and absolutely no way to play them. When my last plasma TV died in 2018, so did my ability to play 3D Blu-rays. Its demise coincided perfectly with the U.S. television industry abandoning the format and removing the functionality from all new TVs. It's really sad, too, because when authored correctly and on a calibrated display, the experience can be akin to an enthralling Quadio or 5.1 surround music disc. Just like with SACD, DVD Audio, etc., there are some revelatory 3D Blu-ray discs that serious videophiles still collect.
I absolutely have 3D gear, and that’s why I’m not upgrading. I’m pretty sure my TV is in my profile. Its black performance is dismal, and with so many movies being shot in stupid low light, there are scenes I just can’t see, but I’m hanging on until it dies. Not sure what happens then.
Nice to see so many 3D enthusiasts. My Sony died several years ago, but then I found someone locally who repaired it for a reasonable price. Still buy the odd 3D, mostly classic.
As I contribute to this thread going haywire, Kino-Lorber has quite a few 3D titles. I won’t say any of them are great cinema, and a few seem to have the film grain of 4mm, but they’re not expensive.
In "The Jetsons", when they got Astro, they discovered he was originally owned by a rich guy (J.P.Gottrockets) who had named him "Tralfaz". Astro, himself, would go "Tralfaz - YUCK! I have the sane attitude about coffee.

My wife hates coffee, too. To me, it’s almost a religion - Java’s Witness.
Yikes! Are you joking or do you still have a system that's equipped to play 3D Blu-rays? I have around 175 of them in my library and absolutely no way to play them. When my last plasma TV died in 2018, so did my ability to play 3D Blu-rays. Its demise coincided perfectly with the U.S. television industry abandoning the format and removing the functionality from all new TVs. It's really sad, too, because when authored correctly and on a calibrated display, the experience can be akin to an enthralling Quadio or 5.1 surround music disc. Just like with SACD, DVD Audio, etc., there are some revelatory 3D Blu-ray discs that serious videophiles still collect.
I appreciate your post because I too plunged into the deep end of 3D blu ray, and YES, it's the video equivalent of quadraphonic, except that quad came back via stealth in 5.1 HDMI.

I have 100+ 3D titles, and predictably, the 3D quality ranges from mediocre/poor to jaw-dropping EXCELLENT. I understand why 3D didn't gain mass acceptance, the glasses are fidgety, batteries in active shutter glasses fail, and the 3D picture darkens significantly once AS glasses activate, AND as a practical matter, most viewers don't want the hassle of committing to 2 hours watching uninterruped with dork glasses on. However, for me, just like with quad, the enhanced effect of experiencing movies in 3D, just like we experience daily living in stereo vision, is worth the stretch. YES, "Dune Pt " got released in 3D, but NOT Pt 2. I guess we 3D fans can only count ourselves lucky the studios chose to release Pt 1 in 3D at all.

I'm anxious to see whether or not the next batch of Marvel superhero movies get 3D release. Even recent underperformers like "The Eternals," "Black Widow," "The Marvels," and "Black Panther 2" were released in 3D, although I had to pay dearly for Japanese imports for some of them. (I found a couple "no frill" releases from an E-Bay seller in Sri Lanka, certainly better than nothing, but paying up to $100 for a Japanese 3D import was more than I could bear for "The Marvels" or "BP2".

We're definitely living precariously trying to keep our wheezing 3D flatscreens working. Used 3D sets can be purchased online, but that's a TREMENDOUS (and EXPENSIVE) leap of faith, not only to get a fully functional set, but also to find a shipper who can get it delivered intact. YES I think there are still 3D projectors, AND the new Apple headset IS 3D capable, but a projector just isn't practical for me, and I'm uncertain whether an Apple headset can be integrated into my existing system.

I'm reasonably future proofed to continue having 3D capability in my rig, but I think I've just about maxxed out what's practical. I think 3D MIGHT stage a comeback if glasses-free technology can be developed, but my opinion is that it's in the same category as self-driving cars, a mirage for now, pending some giant tech advance we can't forsee from today.

Two movies that never got 3D blu-ray releases that top my wish list: the 2017 "Total Recall" remake with Colin Farrell & Jessica Biel. This one DID get a STUNNING 3D theatrical release, but NEVER got issued on disc. Second was "Tomorrowland," which clearly WAS produced to ve a 3D showcase, but as the 3D box office wilted, they only released the "flat" version. TOO BAD! This truly would gave been an EXCELLENT 3D demo disc.

Viva 3D! Thanks for reading...
Yikes! Are you joking or do you still have a system that's equipped to play 3D Blu-rays? I have around 175 of them in my library and absolutely no way to play them. When my last plasma TV died in 2018, so did my ability to play 3D Blu-rays. Its demise coincided perfectly with the U.S. television industry abandoning the format and removing the functionality from all new TVs. It's really sad, too, because when authored correctly and on a calibrated display, the experience can be akin to an enthralling Quadio or 5.1 surround music disc. Just like with SACD, DVD Audio, etc., there are some revelatory 3D Blu-ray discs that serious videophiles still collect.
I still watch 3D blu rays on a 27” Asus gaming monitor with a home built PC using the Nvidia 3D Vision system. Looks better than 3D on a plasma because of the refresh rate.
You 3D guys need to start a new thread.
I agree 100%. I had no idea my reply to Barfle's original comment would send this thread spiraling out of control. I no longer have a dog in the 3D hunt and I've steered clear of the coffee talk, so it's not my place to do so. And honestly, in my opinion, the 3D topic more likely needs to move to a new forum rather than a new thread.