I have a little stockpile of about five Asus 1080p 3D P.C. monitors with built in 3D IR emitters. I don't have that many 3D Blu-ray, but the one's I do have, I love.
I used play a lot of video games in 3D also; there's a community of people still adapting new games to run in 3D last time I checked.
I also have a 1440p 3D monitor and an Nvidia 3D vision IR 'pyramid' emitter; so, if it's possible and if I can ever get it set up, I might be able to watch 3D in 1440p, although not sure if the discs only output in 1080p.
Edit: I was thinking just yesterday, wouldn't it be interesting if Blu-ray audio started carrying 3D video, so that we could, for example, watch a 3D conversion of
Live at Pompeii with surround audio.
I think, once VR gets refined enough, someone will probably write software for a virtual 3D monitor to display the now legacy 3D content.
In the gaming world 3D didn't do well I think for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the industry professionals seemed to project the idea that you were a rube or a sucker if you bought into it (and of course every gamer thinks they're an insider regardless of how far out on the periphery they are) and secondly, I think the cost was a little prohibitive for people. Also, it has to be said, the 3D content produced for P.C. by the game studios was absolutely terrible but they've all now been revised into pretty fantastic 3D experiences by the 3D gaming community.
Personally I couldn't imagine why anyone would not want to play a 3D video game in actual stereoscopic 3D...playing a polygonal 3D game in 2D just makes no sense other than if constrained by technological and cost limitations.
Also, something else that didn't help, I think people expected it to be holographic, so that they could move their head closer to the monitor and peer at the scene outside of the image framed by the monitor, like looking through a window or like virtual reality...?...it wasn't that, it was juts the image but in 3D; but why wouldn't you want that if you're playing a polygonal 3D video game?
I guess ultimately it's probably down to the "lowest common denominator" not wanting to - or probably more to the point - not being able to pay more for a better quality of escapism. I personally can't really afford this stuff, technically, but I have a life long chronic form of depression and stuff like surround audio and 3D movies just hit me in a way that other media just doesn't seem able to. Listening to surround audio is like a "sonic therapy bath" for me...
...don't take away my PLii x, it's part of what makes my life worth living.