4 New Quadio releases coming in June!


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Sent my Paranoid inquiry to Rhino, got this a couple of hours ago:

"Due to unexpected delays, the processing and shipping of our orders are taking longer than usual.

I am very sorry for this inconvenience, and we are working to get your shipment out as soon as possible,

(You will receive a confirmation email when your order ships.)

I apologize again for the delay and thank you for your patience."
Got Paranoid on Saturday. The other 3 were delivered today. (y)

For the next Quadio titles, I hope Rhino does preorders; it would be easier & better for everyone. Probably make their ordering & shipping process go smoother.

Looking forward to more Quadio!!
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Received Sabbath Saturday and the remaining three today. Can’t believe how good and fresh these things sound. Quad Miracles = auditory bliss.
Got all of mine today and Miracles was my first play......WOW!!!!! The congas, the organ, the strings, those buried lead guitar runs.....just as you stated....BLISS!
Got Paranoid on Saturday. The other 3 were delivered today. (y)

For the next Quadio titles, I hope Rhino does preorders; it would be easier & better for everyone. Probably make their ordering & shipping process go smoother.

Looking forward to more Quadio!!
With a nice cardboard band, (a la SDE card covers) that wraps around all and in one shipping box.
Sabbath cranking right now.

This was mentioned earlier and I want to echo it... thanks to Rhino for not wasting our time with a drawn-out splash screen. We get straight to what we’re all wanting... the music.

And the easy switching between quad and stereo is nice, too. I don’t think I’ll use it much with these, but I did use it a number of time with Chicago and the Doobie Brothers as I was doing some comparisons of songs. Very nice feature.
To me it represents (and is probably largely responsible for) so much of what was bad about heavy metal/hard rock music that followed: a dirt-simple guitar riff that any beginning guitarist could play, an uninventive vocal line that just follows the riff, and a nursery-rhyme-like simplicity to the whole thing. About as LCD as one can get. Which is why it was such a big hit, no doubt, especially with youngsters. (Not a coincidence how many people will say “I fell in love with that song when I was 12!”). Nursery-rhyme simplicity almost ALWAYS sells well. Just look at “The Hokey-Pokey” or “Achey Breaky Heart”
I prefer Boot Scootin' Boogie to Achy Breaky Heart
Rejoice, Rejoice, the Quadios are here,
I think I'll listen while I drink a beer.

Seriously, all four showed up in my mailbox. The Sabbath disc was in a separate package.
To be clear I never got any notice/email saying they were on their way or that my order had been fulfilled. So to anyone who had the same experience, there is reason to be hopeful!!
What a relief.
woke up this morning thinking today has got to be the day.
waited with bated breath as the mailman's Grumman approached.

gleefully did a sprint down the drive to the mailbox

skunked. zilch. zero nadda

That's because you didn't take advantage of RHINO's NEXT DAY delivery service for an additional $29 [like CDJapan's DHL service]! But Deep Discount did deliver two UHD4K discs ...so I'm COVERED....for now! Hey, we've waited 50 years for these 'chestnuts' to be released ...... So .....