Alan Parsons to Release "Tales of Mystery and Imagination: Edgar Allan Poe" 5.1 Mix


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It's great music, I'll be purchasing it regardless.:sun

And I will be purchasing this as a MUST to support the efforts of both Tad and Alan Parsons who negotiated the single 5.1 release for so many of us at QQ and elsewhere. I know I bitched big time about the $$$. $$ box as did many others.It would be hypocritical to ignore this release , for me and anyone else who begged for this.:rolleyes:

support the efforts:upthumb
:banana::banana:I just did my part and ordered the standalone BluRay.:banana::banana:

Thanks go out to Tad for negotiating the standalone release for us and to Alan for listening to his peeps.

OK, so will Alan hear me when I pray for Pyramids???

p.s. I ordered from Pledge Music to support the artist and to get the lower price.:D
I thought so as well at first. Then I looked closer at the email. The project is called 'box', but the item ordered just states 'BluRay'. When I first saw the email, I thought I might have screwed up and ordered the entire box!! :yikes

Same here, albeit I wouldn't mind if I got the box for 20£ :)
Just to recap, folks... this is the ORIGINAL 1976 mix WITHOUT the Orson Welles narration (i.e., NOT the 1987 AP REMIX)...


I'd buy it in a second if it were the 1987 remix, cause Orson MAKES this record (among other things)

For all we know, yes it is. But the Orson Welles dialogue is available as a bonus track on the 2007 special edition, so it won't be long until somebody puts it into the 5.1 mix on their home computer :)
OK, let's have one thing straight and recap:

Could any kind soul let me know if this is Alan's 1987 REMix or the original mix???

Thank you!!
Somebody shared confirmation straight from the label (I think) a while back in this thread - it's the 1976 version, so no Orson Welles, unfortunately :-/

So...I'm guessing that the Orson Welles Estate wanted a piece of the action...or maybe that the 87 remix was early digital and , therefore not really Hi Rez....could go either way...
So...I'm guessing that the Orson Welles Estate wanted a piece of the action...or maybe that the 87 remix was early digital and , therefore not really Hi Rez....could go either way...

Could be a plethora of reasons. I am just grateful that Parsons really did a remaster of one of my all-time favorite albums and that it is in true 5.1 and done by the master himself.

And I'll take that any day.

Ever since I listened to this album the first time in music class in school (I was 11 – this being the only really good thing that I encountered before finally shutting the school door for the last time by the time I was 21) I imagined what this would be like hearing it performed live. Then, when my Dad introduced me to Surround Sound (and gifted me my first 200€ 5.1 Set when I was 13 or 14) I imagined what this would be like in 5.1.

I get mine on Monday (I hope). This'll be a day to remember, folks :yikes:mad:@::confused::music
It's here and I've played it through in LPCM and am halfway through listening to the DTS-HD Master. I've whacked it up a bit now 'cos the neighbors just went out, nice.
I can tell you that Orson Welles IS on it, I wasn't sure which bit you lot where on about so I just put on my original vinyl and sure enough he is absent on there but he has returned for this 2016 Blu-ray version. I was familiar with the Orson Welles because since I went digital I've been listening to a torrent download:yikes which is obviously the re-release, without even realising it.
It sounds good now at this higher volume, the voices are coming from all around, I'm not going to go any further at the moment, I don't think I'm very good at reviews, so it would be better left to someone else more savvy.
..... Then, when my Dad introduced me to Surround Sound (and gifted me my first 200€ 5.1 Set when I was 13 or 14) I imagined what this would be like in 5.1.

I get mine on Monday (I hope). This'll be a day to remember, folks :yikes:mad:@::confused::music

Now , THAT'S a REAL DAD!!!!
So happy for you!!!
That is a suprise. I hear it now and the 5.1mix is with the Orson Welles narration. The 1976 stereo mix is without it. And i like it very much.
:flame Aaarrrggghhh! I pre-ordered it online in a nearby media market for pick-up on release day. Now the day is here and they don't have it! It's listed as available within 6-7 work days, which means, I might have to wait until the week after the next. Unbearable!! I'm not exactly a patient guy and I've been looking forward to this one very much. :(

It seems to be unavailable pretty much everywhere right now (at least around here). jpc listed one copy this morning, but by afternoon they were out of stock as well. Let's hope this means, that this sucker is selling like hell and Parsons already started mixing "Pyramid" to 5.1 because of the overwhelming success of this release.
:flame Aaarrrggghhh! I pre-ordered it online in a nearby media market for pick-up on release day. Now the day is here and they don't have it! It's listed as available within 6-7 work days, which means, I might have to wait until the week after the next. Unbearable!! I'm not exactly a patient guy and I've been looking forward to this one very much. :(

It seems to be unavailable pretty much everywhere right now (at least around here). jpc listed one copy this morning, but by afternoon they were out of stock as well. Let's hope this means, that this sucker is selling like hell and Parsons already started mixing "Pyramid" to 5.1 because of the overwhelming success of this release.

I feel your pain, I posted here you could order this from grooves and didn't order as I thought I will wait till release day and was hoping to order from someone that is closer to where I live so that like you I was hoping to get it on or close to release date.
Well guess I should have ordered it as no one locally has it and on I do see they have it but only from import places so put an order in as Grooves from Germany show's its out of stock so I missed out on that one, silly me.
Reading from others here the pledge root was probably the quickest way of getting it as orders started shipping before today.

Hopefully this one is selling well as that would be great to get some more mixes done from Alan Parson's.

My copy turned up this morning, but I haven't listened to it yet, or any other music for that matter, as for the last few days I've had the cold from hell, and everything sounds muffled or boomy :violin
mine should arrive Sunday. I'm a fan of this album but have never had any of the extra stuff so I ordered the box set.
My copy turned up this morning, but I haven't listened to it yet, or any other music for that matter, as for the last few days I've had the cold from hell, and everything sounds muffled or boomy :violin

Had something similar a couple of weeks ago. Miserable. Hope you feel better. And you're right, totally screws up listening to music, but especially surround! My copy is on its way, hope it gets here soon.