Standard DSD64 has a single bit sampled at 2.8224MHz decimated by 16 and low pass filtered gives a PCM signal with a 176.4kHz sample rate. Its not superior its just what comes out of the Digital Signal Processing in your player.Newbie questions of the week:
1. When I set my SACD player to PCM the signal to my AVR is PCM 176.4khz. Why such an odd number?
Is this considered Superior to PCM 96khz
2. What does SACD provide that DVD-A didn't?
From what I've heard anyone using bass management/room correction is getting PCM anyway. Why bother with DSD?
DSD is essentially a cheap way to get a high number of bits by oversampling then decimating and filtering (it uses Delta-Sigma convertors which use less Silicon area on a chip so is cheaper to manufacture), someone had the 'brain-wave' to put the DSD stream onto a disc, and we got SACD. The advantage of SACD is the disc plays directly and there are no compatibility issues with menus etc. as has been found many times with DVD-A where firmware updates were necessary to play some DVD-As. I have my player set-up to convert DSD to PCM.