Anybody heard of Tom Evans Audio before? I'm an old brit and hadn't until THIS happened...


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Active Member
Jan 9, 2017
I've been into music (and therefore hi-fi) for many decades, am from the UK and thought I had a good handle on most of the brands. However, it turns out I'd never heard of Tom Evans Audio Design until Louis Rossmann (who I have been watching some years (I'm also professionally involved in IT)), posted this:

YouTube then offered me this, which I found very interesting (and sad also, both about the issued raised by Mark about the Tom Evan kit but also the copyright "strike"):

It's sad to see this company behaving like this and not helping with the already tarnished (IMHO), "Audiophile" moniker.... (like Louis says, he describes himself as an Audiophile (he started out repairing recording studio electronic kit!), but not an Audiofool, which is how I feel).

It feels like Tom Evans Audio Design is in the middle of learning what the "Streisand Effect" is.. ;)

Does anybody here have an experience of the brand?



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I love Louis Rossmann!

Yeah, this era of software spoofing and just plain gross dishonesty...
Consumers should play much harder IMHO!
Lol... Luckily I was one of the 252,000 people who watched Mark's original video.

Aside from the insane cost of the original Tom Evans Audio Design phono pre-amp (£25,000.00+), the price the customer was quoted for repairing it was nothing short of criminal.

I wish Mark and Louis well.

EDIT: I've just found another discussion about this particular issue: -

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I'm a long time subscriber to Mend It Marks channel. He's a pro with a lot to share.
However, I think he over-stepped by documenting the schematic diagrams and showing them on camera. Not just hand drawn circuits, but a CAD drawn, multi-page service manual in a binder. I have no experience with Tom Evans equipment but he is entitled to protections for his IP.
Rather than all the YouTube drama, Mark could have simply removed the schematics from this video and re-upped the video. Tom Evans was right to claim his copyright and Mark could have handled this a lot better.
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I'm a long time subscriber to Mend It Marks channel. He's a pro with a lot to share.
However, I think he over-stepped by documenting the schematic diagrams and showing them on camera. Not just hand drawn circuits, but a CAD drawn, multi-page service manual in a binder. I have no experience with Tom Evans equipment but he is entitled to protections for his IP.
Rather than all the YouTube drama, Mark could have simply removed the schematics from this video and re-upped the video. Tom Evans was right to claim his copyright and Mark could have handled this a lot better.
From what I could make out, those schematics were made by HIM so that's fair enough in my book! He now owns the copyright on THAT ;) :D (I think... ;) )
Seems like Mark is going to let Louis "defend" him... good to see :)

I also had never heard of Odysee before!

Out of interest, as this isn't my area of expertise (I left Vinyl reproduction behind decades ago), what IS considered a decent MC Photo Pre-Amp these days? (I know it's a "how long is a piece of string" type question... ;) )

I'm sure there are many super-expensive options, but are there many more "reasonable" (again, subjective I know ;) ), options? (perhaps pick an arbitrary price point, say 2k?)

Just curious! :)

