Beyoncé - Visual Album Blu Ray 5.1 PCM 24/48


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2K Club - QQ Super Nova
QQ Supporter
May 31, 2005
New Milford, CT
Just giving this my first listen/viewing albeit under subdued circumstances (just tucked in the Missus). First and foremost this is a real surround mix. Keys, percussion and supporting vocals in the rears, sub is active as well. Not really surprised as no expense has been spared in this production - a veritable army of directors, songwriters, producers, actors, guest artists, musicians and engineers courtesy of the fabulous Miss Thang & Jay Z's kazillions.

The 17 videos are visually sumptuous as well - it may all come down to a matter of taste for many here. This is state of the art contemporary R&B with flourishes of electronica and hip hop. A few of the feature tracks, (Pretty Hurts - which includes a cameo from none other than "The Cleaner," Harvey Keitel & Ghost/Haunted are given the "cinematic" treatment (dialogue and non musical elements) during the song. This the exception rather than the rule however as most of the videos are straight music. The album has it's own comprehensive Wiki page if you care to check out the extensive credits - I can't, however, determine who is responsible for the 5.1 mix.

Most importantly, this is new modern superstar/pop music mixed in lossless surround on Sony no less! I understand that everyone wants their old quad chestnuts reissued in surround, but in order to move this thing that we love forward, we need new contemporary pop music mixed in surround by someone other than just Steven Wilson. I suppose that this can just as likely fall on clueless ears but it's a big step in the right direction (IMHO).
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Thanks for all the info elmer :)

FWIW, I got this on Monday.. just two copies in the whole of HMV's flagship store! and they were lumped in with the DVD versions, not in the Blu-ray section or in the pop section or better still a display of its own would have been nice.. but the two Blu's (indistinguishable from the DVD but for a tiny sticker) were in the little R&B section. ho hum! I guess I need to give it a listen!
Thanks. The problem i have with this being Blu Ray only is that i can't rip it then take out filler tracks! That is what i do with DVD audios as the majority have filler tracks.
So, just to confirm, is this the version you are referring to as being in 5.1? is no mention in the Amazon description of it being a 5.1 mix, so just wanted to be sure.

Yes that's the one :)

I posted pix of the package itself over in another QQ thread about the Beyonce disc, yet the pix don't tell you anything as there's nothing on the package itself about 5.1. Still, it has PCM 5.1 alongside Dolby Digital 5.1 & Stereo PCM options, selectable from the main menu when the disc starts up.
Yes that's the one :)

I posted pix of the package itself over in another QQ thread about the Beyonce disc, yet the pix don't tell you anything as there's nothing on the package itself about 5.1. Still, it has PCM 5.1 alongside Dolby Digital 5.1 & Stereo PCM options, selectable from the main menu when the disc starts up.

Let us know how you think it sounds! How is the mix? I am not a big pop music fan, but I am excited see a major pop act release a 5.1 bluray with a "true" surround mix. I am listening in stereo now and it sounds alright, but the dynamic range is terrible (DR6... some tracks DR3/4). I guess that is no surprise for a pop act. Does the 5.1 mix have better DR?
Let us know how you think it sounds! How is the mix? I am not a big pop music fan, but I am excited see a major pop act release a 5.1 bluray with a "true" surround mix. I am listening in stereo now and it sounds alright, but the dynamic range is terrible (DR6... some tracks DR3/4). I guess that is no surprise for a pop act. Does the 5.1 mix have better DR?

I gave it a brief skip thru.. lots of stuff (acting!? hmm..) in between and even in the videos, they're like longer form story things rather than individual promo type videos with just the songs.. but that's the concept I guess.. and initially it seemed like double stereo.. but as I flicked thru there was definitely discrete stuff going on in the rears. I'll give it a proper play over the weekend & report back.

I'm excited too.. to a point, about what it could represent but its another missed opportunity in the making as far as surround music is concerned, imho.

the lack of promotion or even just labelling the product with any indication or info that there might be 5.1 on it is a disappointment and as I said here the other week it's a pretty poor show when HMV's flagship London store only had 2 copies on Blu and they were just lumped in with the 12-15 DVD sets out on the shelves (and I don't imagine that's because the BD had been a hot seller.. but I'd love to be proven wrong!).

then there's the artist herself.. Beyoncé's not the first act that leaps to mind as having legions of Hi-Def picture, Hi-Res Surround loving fans :eek: still, it's better than nothing!


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I picked this up and listened to about half of it last night under "subdued" conditions. I found it generally enjoyable and the mix to be pretty darn good. It's a bit more "cinematic" (i.e. front heavy) than a really great surround mix, but certainly worth the time invested. A truly ambitious surround engineer could have pushed the content farther, but I'm so happy to have something new and good that this disc immediately becomes a prized possession.
Is there any information as to who did the 5.1 mix in either the booklet/insert or in the credits at the end of the disc?
There is zero mention of any specific 5.1 mixer anywhere in the booklet/insert/or the credits of the disc. These songs were recorded by an army of producers and engineers in multiple locations. I'm guessing that the surround mix was done at the same facility as the final mastering and/or Blu Ray authoring.
the credits in the booklet read like a Hollywood blockbuster (3rd assistant to Ms.Knowles' 48th wig assistant..) but as elmer says info on the surround mix nowhere to be found.
So, does this album play like a Blu Ray movie or can it be enjoyed in a similar fashion to Blu Ray Audio discs?
Thank you sir!

I might pick it up if there is nothing better to waste my money on ;)

anytime :)

well.. in my humble estimation there are better things to spend your spondoolicks on.. though that said, while not an essential purchase for us Quaddies, if you're into Ms.Knowles and enjoyed the album in plain ol' stereo, it strikes me as a bona fide surround remix from multi's and not the usual DVD-Video unwrap/upmix job, so why not "blow your wad on Quad" (TM: QuadLinda) (y)
anytime :)

well.. in my humble estimation there are better things to spend your spondoolicks on.. though that said, while not an essential purchase for us Quaddies, if you're into Ms.Knowles and enjoyed the album in plain ol' stereo, it strikes me as a bona fide surround remix from multi's and not the usual DVD-Video unwrap/upmix job, so why not "blow your wad on Quad" (TM: QuadLinda) (y)

I'm not a mahoosive fan, but am curious :)

Most of my moolah has been spent on vinyl of late. I swear, it's an addiction!! I'm also being commissioned to write a number of reviews for the marvellous website, which helps keep me in CD's and vinyl too ;) I have a few pieces up there already and more to come :)
Thank you sir!

I might pick it up if there is nothing better to waste my money on ;)

Oh I think it much better than that! The mix may not be of the the ES/SW level of excellence but it is certainly "good." With the exception of the first two tracks which are at least of excellent PQ, the majority of the album can be enjoyed without visuals and contain (if any) a mimimum of non musical moments. Considering that this album was recorded and mixed by an army of engineers in multiple locations the overall sound/fidelity is quite consistent. For R&B music of this type it would be easy to go overboard on the subsonic side - the bass here is used quite intelligently - never overwhelming but present. Post modern R&B/hip hop with an unlimited production budget - not essential but certainly fun!