David Bedford Instructions for Angels - Matrix H LP/CD


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I was searching on the net when I got into eil.co.uk and took a look into quad vinyls.
I've found a recond made by David Bedford called "Instructions for Angels" labelled Virgin V2090.
This 1977 release is quad, not Sq or Qs but BBC matrix H.

Googling around I've found this release was made in CD too and the s/n is CDV2090.

Do you think this is the same quad release as LP?

guest appereance Mike Oldfield...

anyone gets more info please


p.s. take a look there and see lots of releases I've never heard of in quad...
Virgin also released an SQ version on LP, too.
I am one of the very few people that have a genuine Matrix H /UHJ DECODER. It was built entirely from plans and the boards offered fror a brief time via Wireless world.
ALL NIMBUS recordings for a while were in UHJ.

Shakespeare THE TEMPEST was broadcast live on Mat H on the BBC.

We have authored surround recordings.
They were much better.

One was Brahms requiem.
Another was Udo Reinemann Live in Metz Arsenal. (now dead)

We also did some rock recordings in Mulhouse.
You have the impression of being part of the audience

There is nothing to touch live concerts in surround.