Duran Duran "Danse Macabre" (Blu-Ray with Bob Cleamountain Dolby Atmos mix - SDE #13)


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Like much of the rest of the world, I love DD's first two albums. After that they can be a bit hit-or-miss, to me. But this one's a hit. A really fun album! I particularly love Nick's spooky synths.

I don't have an Atmos system but I really enjoy the 5.1.
I got this, but I have been so preoccupied with Pearl Jam Atmos releases, new Beatles song, and now new Beatles Atmos collections that I haven't even listened to it at all. I will tho!
Excellent thank you for posting that. I wish they would have gotten the vinyl exclusive tracks even if they are theoretically just a spoken word and instrumentals. It really bothers me to not have that and vinyl's not a useful format for myself personally. Oh well at least the three new ones on the CD in better here.
Excellent thank you for posting that. I wish they would have gotten the vinyl exclusive tracks even if they are theoretically just a spoken word and instrumentals. It really bothers me to not have that and vinyl's not a useful format for myself personally. Oh well at least the three new ones on the CD in better here.
The new bluray has 16 instrumental tracks as well.
If you are looking for a great book all about Duran Duran’s Rio, pick this one up:


Annie is a fantastic writer whose work has appeared in Rolling Stone, Billboard, Record Collector, The Guardian and many other places. She is also an editor for the 33 1/3 book series, which focuses on individual albums by a wide range of popular artists.


I have my autographed copy at home and found it to be well worth my time. If you are a DD fan, you will too.


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This expanded release not long after the original release really annoys me and I will not be ordering it. I really like the concept and music on the release, but I can't rationalize an additional $40 expenditure for 3 additional songs.
It does stick in the gullet as to why this release has been rehashed, so soon.
I hope it's not only seen as a cash cow?
Although I've ordered it, it doesn't sit too well with me.
Has Paul explained the rationale?
Excellent thank you for posting that. I wish they would have gotten the vinyl exclusive tracks even if they are theoretically just a spoken word and instrumentals. It really bothers me to not have that and vinyl's not a useful format for myself personally. Oh well at least the three new ones on the CD in better here.
I heartily second that. So limited that the box set sells out in 24 hours, and so prohibitively priced that it costs me $54 per exclusive track on that format? Not to mention how much space that I don't have that the box takes up? Sorry but this just isn't how I buy music these days. Put it all on a Blu-ray for me, please. This feels a little like double-dipping given how recent the regular album came out. Very strange.