Mine didn't arrive today. I was so hopeful....
I bet they are just getting started. I'm sort of excited about the prospects....
Even though I still don't have my first order that is now a month ago... :chill :violin:yikes
Urrrrrrrrgh Snood went ahead and bought the 3 Hugos
Way to go QQ@:
See what ya made Snooooooooooooood do :banana::banana::banana:
Have the Tower and Main Ingredient already
Well, when you are old and very gray, they will arrive. But, you will have dementia by then and you will think the discs are from outer space.
OK, I know - I'm getting grouchy cause mine are over a month old from order...and still nothing. They have my money though. Again...dammit...a bit sarcastic..I Know.
Conniff = yes ("I like it a lot" )
Fiedler is in the next clutch I ordered, which I am guessing will arrive once the 4 Seasons & E Power Biggs etc preorders come into stock later in Jan.
Gos clears throat, while noting that mailbox is still crying for some new discs to arrive....mailbox says it's been over 35 days now. Mailbox is getting an attitude I think.
I might get a new mailbox... :violin
its "a little bit funny" Ralphie, cos I avoided getting the SQ LP of Krusty Kostelanetz's Spanish inquadisition and his Quadro castanets thinking "it won't be very Quaddy" -- and lo and behold it is! I just hope my 4th batch of DV SACDs doesn't come before Gene's 1st or he'll come over to Blighty and kick my a$$ from 'ere to Kathmandu..! :yikes
Adam, you're literally 17 miles away from D~V's headquarters. My suggestion........you jaunt over there oneday in a suit and bowtie* [*from the Donald Trump Collection, of course] and introduce yourself and present them, IN PERSON, with your 'bucket' list of QUAD preferences as I'm sure you can charm the pants off a snake.:yikes Adam Buckley: QQ's very own Ambassador to D~V. Maybe we'll build you an embassy with a megabuck Dolby Atmos Surround System (with SEPARATES, of course).:banana:
Poor Gene. I know mine came registered and I wasn't home to accept the parcel of 12 discs and they left a flimsy green card in my mailbox instructing me to pick them up at the local Post Office. Wonder if Gene's are awaiting him at the local post office as those 'flimsy' green cards are so disposable.
Am I the only guy in the US who ordered some discs around Dec 2 and still doesn't have them? :yikes :violin
Hmm, I'd say it's time for you to send D/V an email and get a status report on your order.
Yeah, I did. They tell me that mail can be slow... ???
Here is the response I got.
Your previous orders have been shipped straight away but Royal Mail during Christmas is nothing but nightmare and some our customers, which placed their orders on the beginning of December are just receiving them. That’s just completely out of order but there are postal services over here sometimes. It must be down to increased security checks and also short staff in the sorting offices – if you’re lucky your packet might squeeze through and arrive at normal time.
Kind regards
Vocalion Ltd/Dutton Epoch Retail & Export Team