much to my shame Ralph, I don't know that album..but it does sound cool
still there's loads of Babs in Quad DV could have fun with, no remixing required!
Barbra Joan Streisand, Live @ Forum, Funny Girl, Stoney End, Way We Were, Lazy Afternoon, ButterFly, Funny Lady.. (BJS, Stoney End & Way We Were in particular are great Quad mixes.. and my SQ LPs are knackered so spanky new Surround SACDs would be dee-luvverly!)
So I'm on record as preferring D-V go deeper into classical, but if they can get these albums at the same prices they could get the Danny Davis and Hugo Montenegro albums, then by all means I'd support it. However, the odds of that seem low, and given the rumors of soft sales of the AP Quad releases of...softer material, it would seem that licensing those quads at more expensive prices would not be the best move.