Dutton Vocalion UK mining the Sony Music quad catalog for Multichannel SACD release!


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Speaking of SACDs for sale, is there any consensus yet over the Vocalion recent releases? Are they koo? Do you sucketh muchly? Are there 1 or 2 stand-outs that ought to be tried first?

Well what do you wanna know..? ;) You need them..!!
(TM = Quad Linda)

Seriously, the Hugo Montenegro SACD is fabulous.. if you only got one, that'd be "the one" imho :upthumb
The Vocalion Multichannel SACDs are in the Hi Rez Poll section of the forum.
You might want to check on the ratings there.

So far, all of the Vocalion SACDs are scoring quite well in the ratings from QQ members.
Speaking of SACDs for sale, is there any consensus yet over the Vocalion recent releases? Are they koo? Do you sucketh muchly? Are there 1 or 2 stand-outs that ought to be tried first?

If you're not familiar with the material, look for some of the tracks on Youtube. That will help you make your choices, should the music strike your fancy. As far as fidelity and mastering go, I just wish more labels would offer such great sounding SACDs containing two complete albums at very reasonable prices like these. I have four of the six titles and I'm really happy with them. I played a few tracks for fellow member The Bright Side when he came around last week as he was curious to hear them and wasn't familiar with the artists. I chose Paul McCartney's My Love from Floyd Cramer's Class of '73 and a handful of selections from the Hugo Montenegro disc. He admitted not being a fan of the music, but he was blown away by the sound quality and the amazing Quad mixes.

Let's hope they treat us to another six new titles soon.
If you're not familiar with the material, look for some of the tracks on Youtube. That will help you make your choices, should the music strike your fancy. As far as fidelity and mastering go, I just wish more labels would offer such great sounding SACDs containing two complete albums at very reasonable prices like these. I have four of the six titles and I'm really happy with them. I played a few tracks for fellow member The Bright Side when he came around last week as he was curious to hear them and wasn't familiar with the artists. I chose Paul McCartney's My Love from Floyd Cramer's Class of '73 and a handful of selections from the Hugo Montenegro disc. He admitted not being a fan of the music, but he was blown away by the sound quality and the amazing Quad mixes.

Let's hope they treat us to another six new titles soon.

I have had zero success finding the specific titles on YouTube to audition. And contrary to bmoura's advice, no, the polls are not telling me anything concrete. So, I will sit this out for now. I miiight check out Hugo on Adam's recommendation. We run along similar lines, in some ways.
For anyone who is unfamiliar with these artists and their music, I invite you to do a Youtube search with the following titles:

Hugo Montenegro: Never Can Say Goodbye
Hugo Montenegro: Nothing from Nothing
Henry Mancini - Six Hours Past Sunset
Henry Mancini - A Warm Shade Of Ivory
Brass on Ivory Part 1

These do not cover everything. I could not find the Floyd Cramer nor the Perry Como albums. You may find Perry Como clips on iTunes. I have created a short one for a Floyd Cramer track I really like from one of the SACDs just so you know what kind of instrumental music to expect. In the Quad mix, the brass and guitar solo are in the rears. The whole disc sounds wonderful.

Thanks for the advice.
The only problem being, at a time when I'm trying to scale back my music purchases, I now want to buy the Montenegro disc (and maybe Mancini). LOL

Where is the best place to buy them?
Wow....much cheaper than I would have thought.
This won't hurt nearly as much as I thought

Affordable SACDs
Sounds like an oxymoron
Wow....much cheaper than I would have thought.
This won't hurt nearly as much as I thought

Affordable SACDs
Sounds like an oxymoron

LOL! Once you'll have heard them you'll be quite happy with them. Many of us here try to support labels who take the risk of releasing quality Multichannel material and I hope that the good people of the ship Vocalion know how appreciated their efforts are. This is the type of product that gets (unfortunately) ignored by many when it's available. Once it's too late, prices skyrocket and everyone complains that these are hard to find. Well they're available NOW! :)
LOL! Once you'll have heard them you'll be quite happy with them. Many of us here try to support labels who take the risk of releasing quality Multichannel material and I hope that the good people of the ship Vocalion know how appreciated their efforts are. This is the type of product that gets (unfortunately) ignored by many when it's available. Once it's too late, prices skyrocket and everyone complains that these are hard to find. Well they're available NOW! :)

Well said..I called Vocalion to check on my order back in January(which i received in 3 weeks time) ,I told them I appreciated their efforts of getting multichannel music out there. I told them i read about them here at QQ. I also asked them if there were any future releases in the works . The answer i got(well by no means official) was that it all depended how well theses releases did.SO , do yourselves a favor get as many of these titles as you can, and appreciate what you have while the getting is good..and just as important, spread the word out there!
Well said..I called Vocalion to check on my order back in January(which i received in 3 weeks time) ,I told them I appreciated their efforts of getting multichannel music out there. I told them i read about them here at QQ. I also asked them if there were any future releases in the works . The answer i got(well by no means official) was that it all depended how well theses releases did.SO , do yourselves a favor get as many of these titles as you can, and appreciate what you have while the getting is good..and just as important, spread the word out there!

That's always the story. If they sell well, there will be more.
I'm definitely interested to see if they continue on with their Multichannel SACD releases.
That's always the story. If they sell well, there will be more.
I'm definitely interested to see if they continue on with their Multichannel SACD releases.

Brian, I've certainly supported Dutton Vocalion's recent SACD releases by purchasing ALL Six and my impressions, like others, have been mostly positive. Each and every release has been meticulously transferred from the existing analogue masters and last night I played the Perry Como disc which some may dismiss as TOO CORNY but alas, the LIVE concert is really special, IMHO with some rousing big band arrangements, VERY discrete soundstage and some tasty 'crooning.' The two Chet Atkin's produced Floyd Cramer SACD two~fers also contained some fine music, as well. Of course, the bona fide darling is the two~fer wildly discrete Hugo Montenegro disc. Just the fact that we were treated to twelve (count 'em) hard to decode CD~4 releases from the RCA catalogue which came virtually out of nowhere (NO fanfare greeted these releases) was nothing short of a miracle.

I realize these releases are NOT everyone's cup o' tea but hell, easy listening has its place.

I've emailed them a few times and have encouraged their efforts and did indicate that perhaps MORE diversity would be in order (some POP/Country Western music?) when considering upcoming SACD two~fers.