Dutton Vocalion UK mining the Sony Music quad catalog for Multichannel SACD release!


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It's no surprise that the Montenegro titles have good mixes, they were designed from the ground up to be played back in quad and I think it shows. Montenegro's association with RCA ended in 1975, the same year that they stopped putting out quad product - I don't think that's any coincidence.

I spoke with Mike Dutton from Vocalion via email and told him about QQ (and this thread) and the enthusiasm we have for mch SACD reissues of old quad masters. He said they were seeing a good response to their blog post so hopefully there will be more of these issues in the future. I also offered to lend my quad-knowledge (for whatever it's worth) if it would help get more titles released, and mentioned that the Sony quad catalog is equally as large as the RCA one, so they know it exists at least. Mr. Dutton said he had worked for several companies that released quad albums over the course of his career, and seems to have an excellent grasp of what constitutes a good release so I think these reissues are in good hands.

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(Full article here.)

Awesome post man!
It's no surprise that the Montenegro titles have good mixes, they were designed from the ground up to be played back in quad and I think it shows. Montenegro's association with RCA ended in 1975, the same year that they stopped putting out quad product - I don't think that's any coincidence.

I spoke with Mike Dutton from Vocalion via email and told him about QQ (and this thread) and the enthusiasm we have for mch SACD reissues of old quad masters. He said they were seeing a good response to their blog post so hopefully there will be more of these issues in the future. I also offered to lend my quad-knowledge (for whatever it's worth) if it would help get more titles released, and mentioned that the Sony quad catalog is equally as large as the RCA one, so they know it exists at least. Mr. Dutton said he had worked for several companies that released quad albums over the course of his career, and seems to have an excellent grasp of what constitutes a good release so I think these reissues are in good hands.

View attachment 23900
(Full article here.)

Great article Dave and thank you so much for reaching out to Vocalion and reporting back on your findings.

It all looks promising.. and as you say in Mike Dutton the programme is in safe hands.

Wow.. I keep saying it guys (sorry.. :eek: ) but really what a year this has been.. it feels like Quad and surround music are just blooming..

Yes, we will still need to hang onto our Universal disc players (or at least one or two different disc machines at least!) since there is still no clear format everyone can settle on.. but rewind a few years and were things ever in the doldrums by comparison.. now we have so many new surround releases across different eras and genres, these are good times for us QQ-ers! Here's to an even better 2016! :wave
To go hand in hand with Fredblue's pics herewith the spines.

Oh Dave McSteely..!!! :p

A question, please!?

Did you establish with the folks at Vocalion that the 6 titles we know of (thanks to YOU!) are the only Surround product they have out right now?
Ooh thanks! :upthumb
I love a good spine pic..! DROOOL..! :p

Looking at the numerical sequence of 5 of these titles...there are gaps in the numbers...I wonder if there are other surround titles that fill out the number sequence..4570 to 4577...and then the Hugo Montenegro title has a completely different number..8518...I wonder about this..
Looking at the numerical sequence of 5 of these titles...there are gaps in the numbers...I wonder if there are other surround titles that fill out the number sequence..4570 to 4577...and then the Hugo Montenegro title has a completely different number..8518...I wonder about this..

Yes.. Lets hope so!

..I have a hunch (just call me Quaddy-modo..) the Hugo M release was planned before the others.. and then someone at Vocalion had the smart idea of utilising the Quad mixes.. and when they enquired about the availability of the Quad masters with Sony it snowballed from there.. but just a hunch..!
Oh Dave McSteely..!!! :p

A question, please!?

Did you establish with the folks at Vocalion that the 6 titles we know of (thanks to YOU!) are the only Surround product they have out right now?

Pete Cater Big Band - Upswing - available easily from Vocalion
John Wilson & His Orchestra - Soft Lights & Sweet Music - not sure about this one

For U.S. buyers, the Vocalion website is the most economical way to go at 71.94 pounds (at least is was for me when buying all six). Amazon.com doesn't sell them directly, so with shipping it is $131.88. Amazon.co.uk turns out to be 78.42 pounds; according to Amazon's exchange rate conversion, the U.S. dollar cost is $120.94. So using the same exchange rate that Amazon.co.uk applies, the total when going through Vocalion directly is $110.95. That's $18.49 each. Actually, come to think of it, these are twofers, so that would be $9.25 per album. Not bad.
I had another message from Michael Dutton @ Vocalion - he's had a look through this thread and wanted me to relay the following:

theres a guy on here that placed a pay pal order we did get it and I emailed him, it bounced back, but it has shipped, check his spam folder

So I would suggest if you've had any problems with the Vocalion website, or you've emailed them at all that you check your spam folder. The initial email I got from Michael was in my spam folder so I can confirm there is some kind of issue with emails originating from them being flagged as spam, with Hotmail/Outlook.com at least.
I had another message from Michael Dutton @ Vocalion - he's had a look through this thread and wanted me to relay the following:

So I would suggest if you've had any problems with the Vocalion website, or you've emailed them at all that you check your spam folder. The initial email I got from Michael was in my spam folder so I can confirm there is some kind of issue with emails originating from them being flagged as spam, with Hotmail/Outlook.com at least.

That turned out to be the story here as well. The confirmation email was in the Spam folder.
Glad to hear that the order shipped out on 12/22. I'll watch the mail box with interest! :)
Now for the technical bit. Vocalion’s Hybrid SACDs consist of three layers: a standard stereo CD layer at 16-bit 44.1khz, and two separate high-resolution layers, each of which have been mastered at 24-bit 352khz – one in stereo, the other in four-channel 4.0. Michael J. Dutton remastered both the stereo and four-channel elements from the original analogue tapes: for the stereo element the original ¼” stereo masters were used, and for the four-channel element the original four-channel “discrete” masters were used. These were used respectively to cut the original stereo and quadraphonic vinyl LPs.

Hmm, I wonder if they looked at doing a direct Analog Tape to DSD transfer as Gus Skinas and Steve Hoffman have done on the Quad Recordings from Audio Fidelity vs. a DXD (352kHz) transfer first.
Really.....do you have a list?

MoFi SUCKS the BIG wad, Adam. They've just released some Carly Simon STEREO SACDs (like her brilliant first album) which had CD~4 discrete vinyl releases and I AM ROYALLY PISSED, too.

Well, I didn't "get the memo" (lmfao) but I think it was..

2 x Mancini's (4 Quads in all),
2 x Floyd Cramer's (4 Quads in all),
1 x Perry Combover (2 Quads)
1 x Hugo The Quadfather Montenegro (2 Quads)

oh and..
3 Hail Mary's and a Scotch and Soda.

Forgot about the Perry Como and OTHER Floyd Kramer SACD two~fers. Will order those as well as TODAY in the mail, I received the other four two~fers and the Peter Cater Big Band Upswing mch SACD plus Dutton Vocalion's 2016 glossy catalog which I haven't had time to 'peruse.'

Hopefully, they'll consider other two~fers in the coming year. Our only OTHER hope for multichannel releases other than Audio Fidelity!

What happened to Universal's BD~A 'program........' ???????? Any inside info, AB?

Three Hail Mary's and a Scotch and Soda with a splash of fairy liquid? You Rascal!

Oh, yes: one more Vocalion multichannel SACD: http://hraudio.net/showmusic.php?title=1067
Forgot about the Perry Como and OTHER Floyd Kramer SACD two~fers. Will order those as well as TODAY in the mail, I received the other four two~fers and the Peter Cater Big Band Upswing mch SACD plus Dutton Vocalion's 2016 glossy catalog which I haven't had time to 'peruse.'

Hopefully, they'll consider other two~fers in the coming year. Our only OTHER hope for multichannel releases other than Audio Fidelity!

What happened to Universal's BD~A 'program........' ???????? Any inside info, AB?

Three Hail Mary's and a Scotch and Soda with a splash of fairy liquid? You Rascal!

Oh, yes: one more Vocalion multichannel SACD: http://hraudio.net/showmusic.php?title=1067

I'd forgotten about the Perry Coma and Floyd Which One Is Cramer until you mentioned there were 4 and then my OCD/ACDC/SACD bit of the brain kicked in.. Ralphiepie, you say whaaaaa there's MOUR THAN FOUR..! :ugham:

Never had any inside info, I'm just a simple record scrubber from west london, fairy in hand as we speak :)