Electric Moo: stereo explorations


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Electric Moo

1K Club - QQ Shooting Star
QQ Supporter
Aug 28, 2020
Moo Moo Land
I've been doing some stereo explorations: nothing worth mixing into surround yet, but I figured I'd start a thread so people can see what I'm up to.

My quadraphonic material is here:

And here: hey Christmas is coming up soon, wouldn't you rather listen to this than all those tired cliche holiday songs? :D


( well that posted before I got finished! Still typing....stay tuned )
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Maybe I'll start a new reply instead. Here is the stereo stuff: experiments really, messing around with the modular. I shot video after I'd patched everything up.

If you bump it to the highest resolution you'll get better audio & video. Plus it's dark, so probably translates better at fullscreen view.

It might even decode favorably through something like the surroundmaster, or a QS decoder? My quad setup is dismantled at the moment unfortunately :(
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And returning to the cow theme, first heard throughout the Nox Archaist soundtrack:

Music for grazing, under blue skies on green grass

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No video for this one: an ambient thing, drone ish. A duet with an air conditioner on a particularly hot summer day:

The A/C went through two complete cycles of whatever air conditioners do.
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Another pseudo ambient thing I did, recorded directly to stereo analog tape. It might decode well into surround, as there's quite a few elements & probably good phase material for matrix decoders to latch onto:


Here's some more older material I forgot about:

That was the first thing I used my minimoog model D reissue on.

The powerplant was decomissioned years ago & torn down, but it was a huge structure and quite a landmark:

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One morning I got up before sunrise & recorded all the birds waking up & getting active. As the sun rose, the shadows of the trees started morphing along the ground. So here's the recording, and this meditative thing overtop:

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Here's some music I just did for an art project by Bill Drummond: 3 tracks & they're free to download at that bandcamp link.



Check out what Bill's been up to at https://penkilnburn.com/

I'm not really a keyboard player so it was a lot of work to get that piece down. And my old, beatup Fender Rhodes wasn't ideal, but it made it unique.

I guess I can say Bill Drummond made me learn how to play piano, haha...always been a big fan of what those guys did; pretty cool that he even knows who the hell I am, and has listened to some of my music.

And mad props to a friend of mine who took that amazing photo: we spent a day doing the photoshoot, drinking scotch, hanging out at his studio, what a great time & collaborative thing to do

I should have posted this earlier, here is the background behind the whole thing:

After reading this I looked up Tenzing Scott Brown and discovered that he is Bill Drummond of the KLF among others and I was surprised to find that he lived in Corby which is where I grew up in exactly the same area of town as him, we went to the same school. And his dad was the priest of the exact same church that I was left at by my parents most days until I “drowned” my favourite teddy bear in the toilet 🚽 because I hated being there and the giant penguins aka, nuns scared the crap out of me so much! Obviously I am much younger than Tenzing Scott Brown Bill Drummond so I don’t know him but I know of him by his musical background and through Julian Cope”s memoir’s Head On and Reposessed. I know that this means nothing but I found it interesting, thanks Electric Moo…. Or is that Mu Mu??
That is pretty wild!

I figured the KLF might not be familiar to most people here. They did some incredible stuff, true artists. And are both still fairly active.

This documentary is a good overview, it's probably streaming online on services:

Their album "Chill Out" was very influencial and is a masterpiece IMO. Done when sampling was still new uncharted territory. That's actually how I discovered Peter Green! Funny.

I was stunned when I found out a young Jimmy Cauty drew that famous "Lord of the Rings" poster that was everywhere in the 1970s. It might be the biggest selling poster of all time?

Condolences to your Teddy Bear :ROFLMAO: What a good story though! And giant penguins, haha
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This photograph is also symbolic to me personally, as I had a disastrous event happen while finishing that Nox Archaist soundtrack that severely compromised my ability to practice & play music. Which is why I haven't done anything significant since. Just crumbs, really.

So the spirit is still struggling to fly, held down by the chains.


And those 20 foot long steel chains were heavy! Cutting off the hand circulation during the pose.
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