Thanks for checking Lisa. That's good customer service.
Hi George,
I'm afraid sending pre-orders separately is the only way we can do things without letting ourselves fall into the realms of packing disasters!
Please bear in mind that we're dealing with hundreds, or often thousands, of pre-orders for any one title and unlike MegaCorps we pick and pack everything by hand - checking sleeves and cases etc on the way.
To combine shipping on pre-orders would mean asking our system to hold over not only order details but also stock of titles that are already out or out at different times. We prefer to try to get pre-orders out for release dates rather than have, say 2,500 orders that all need to go out simultaneously containing any of 3,000 titles we stock. With all the will in the world even the lovely Shed packers would have trouble dealing with that!
So, sorry, but we prefer to give the personal touch to every single thing we send - I'm afraid that means sending pre-order titles individually and separately.
You can always wait until something you want is on general release to combine it with anything else.