Error when "re-FLACing" DVD-A extracts to add smart gain


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Oct 22, 2004
Yes, I am receiving an error when I use dbpoweramp to "re-FLAC" FLAC files originally extracted from DVD-As using DVDAudioExtract.

My normal procedure for extracting BluRays involves the normal MakeMKV and MKVToolNix for ATMOS and MakeMKV and DVDAE for DVDs. I then use dbpoweramp to add smart gain to the tracks by 'converting' FLAC to FLAC (same bit depth/sample rate) to add Smart gain.

I suppose way back in the day of DVD-A extracts, I never bothered with the smart gain tags. I attempted to re-FLAc some files today but dbpoweramp returned the error:

Error converting to FLAC, '/Volumes/Aspinet6LMS/mono_and_Stereo/Crosby, David/If I Could Only Remember My Name [96-24] [2ch]/01-04 David Crosby - Laughing [96-24] [2ch].flac' to '/Volumes/Aspinet6LMS/mono_and_Stereo/Crosby, David/If I Could Only Remember My Name [96-24] [2ch]/01-04 David Crosby - Laughing [96-24] [2ch].flac'
Audio format changed while encoding. [EncodeBlock]

From: Format Tag: 1 Channels: 2 Bits per Sample: 24 Samples Per Second: 96000 Bytes Per Second: 576000 Block Align: 6 CB Size: 0 [EncodeBlock]

To: Format Tag: 65534 Channels: 2 Bits per Sample: 24 Samples Per Second: 96000 Bytes Per Second: 576000 Block Align: 6 CB Size: 22 Extensible Sub-Format: 1 [EncodeBlock]

I don't get this error with files created by CD extracts or BluRay;48/24;96/24 doesn't matter;Neither overwriting the file or not overwriting. I looked through the settings for Extensible Sub-Format and found under Encoder Options:"FLAC Subset Encoding":
'Encode Subset Only (more compatible)'
Allow Non-Subset Less Compatible

Neither option made a difference.

Does anyone have any idea where I can start to research this? Thanks
I use replay gain tags. Foobar analyzes the audio and creates them without any re-flacing business.
Thanks, that would help if I used foobar to play my library. I'm more interested in trying to determine why I can't process these particular files, but I can with other files.
Thanks, that would help if I used foobar to play my library. I'm more interested in trying to determine why I can't process these particular files, but I can with other files.
You don't need to use foobar to play back. I don't. I use Kodi. Foobar is just used to determine and set the Replay Gain tags.
I've been using Foobar exclusively to calculate ReplayGain tags for a very long time and have never seen this. Is it possible that you have a permissions issue?
Same here
Thanks for that! I rebooted the laptop and now foobar has saved the tag!
I've run into this before; if I execute one ripper (be it dbpa, makemkv, etc) and then another one within the same session sometimes things get tangled up and reboot usually helps.