I really appreciate you expressing your thoughts here. I am not in full alignment with you about DVD being good enough, and 3D never really worked for me. However, your articulate post makes it easier for me to honor these personal preferences many people have.
Just to be clear, if I'm presented with a format choice, I'll get the highest-rez one there is. But I own hundreds of titles on DVD that I'll happily watch again but probably will never bother to upgrade.
It's not that I can't see the difference between DVD and better, it's just that DVD isn't (to
me) actively, annoyingly bad. And I think I'm just really, really happy that I no longer have to worry about how many times I'm going to have to exchange the Laserdisc to finally get one without crosstalk or hiss pumping or helicoptering.
I have so many titles from the 1980s and 1990s on CED or Laserdisc that I really shouldn't have accepted or kept, but I just knew the odds of getting something better were slim. Certainly not all DVDs are well-mastered, but at least I almost never have to worry about the kind of manufacturing defects that get in the way while I'm watching.
At some point before US TV went to stereo, a local station ran
2001: A Space Odyssey as their evening movie. They made a big deal for weeks in advance about how they were going to simulcast it on an FM station in stereo and oh boy it's gonna be so awesome, etc. The night finally came and it was a sonic disaster. They were running it from one of the old analog-only Laserdiscs and it was just a constant sea of noise. Sure, it was in stereo, but it sounded horrible, which sadly was the case with a lot of analog Laserdiscs. (And they also cut Leonard Rossiter's scene for time, the bastards!)
Some time later they ran
Saturn 3 and, thanks to the "barber pole", that was also really obviously from a Laserdisc.
I guess I just spent so much time putting up with actual
defects on top of the inherently less than great old formats that I can be happy now with something that's at least reliable, if arguably mediocre.