Wish we had a Dollar Tree in the area. Any UHD4K discs show up yet?
Not a one.
More than half the disks are still DVD’s, a format you can read up on that was state-of-the-art in 1997.
Wish we had a Dollar Tree in the area. Any UHD4K discs show up yet?
And folks wonder why movie theaters are in trouble (well maybe someWish we had a Dollar Tree in the area. Any UHD4K discs show up yet? During Black Friday sales, Amazon does blow out some choice UHD4K boxsets which translates into $5 or $6 per disc in set and individual 4K titles for under $8.
Three bona fide classics and two guaranteed to entertain all in beautiful 4k. This is a movie lover's dream set. Hopefully one of many more to come.So far RAVE reviews all around for this box set which will be released on June 16th. Sony did admit they forgot to include a second disc of extras for the Lawrence of Arabia UHD4K but will issue it soon.
Blu~Ray.com's rave reviews of Dr. Strangelove, Gandhi and A League Of Their Own and Jerry Maguire from the boxset:
And folks wonder why movie theaters are in trouble (well maybe some)
Well, I do believe it's "a" factor, with the current large ugly Gorilla in the room - COVID-19.Is THAT the reason? Really? It's more about streaming services like Hulu, Apple TV, Amazon Prime and Netflix, etc. offering movies in 4K for LESS than the price of a bottled water in most movie venues.
The screens are BIGGER, the sound systems more rapturous but in order for a family of four to enjoy a first run movie at a cinema today with refreshments and soft drinks factored in, the tab can be as high as $60 or $70...or MORE!
Well, I do believe it's "a" factor, with the current large ugly Gorilla in the room - COVID-19.
Do you realize the picture quality of your local theater is now inferior to the lowest-end big-screen TV? 2K resolution, no OLED, no HDR, no Dolby Vision, no Atmos (mostly), lower brightness, sticky floors, cellphones buzzing ...
Even the theaters that claim 4K projection don’t really have it, cuz most releases have only 2K quality. You can get 4K HDR et al, but only in the “premium experience” theaters. Not enough of those, and if you miss the one week you choice is playing too bad.
Haven’t been to a theater but once since last May, right when I got my 77” LG OLED and Atmos setup.
BTW, watched my 'bargain' [$1.25] BD~V version of the original Twilight directed by Catherine Hardwicke last night and actually enjoyed it WAY MORE than when I initially watched it. The BD~V sound/picture were stunning on my OLED TV.
I stopped going to movie theatres when they became video theatres.
Have to disagree there.
Do you know why THX certification was created?
George Lucas saw one of his movies in a theater and said WHAT THE %#¥€ WAS THAT? It wasn’t just the sound. Many theater owners quietly started cutting projection lamp wattage by a third to save money. He took a dim view of that.
Then the lenses. I saw Far and Away, one of the last features to be filmed in 70mm, at the Cinerama Dome and could not discern any improvement. I read how even the filmmakers were disappointed and blamed it on declining lens quality.
And finally, those awful prints. In those last days of celluloid projection there was so much shaking I got headaches.
All these issues went away with the digital switch. Film is gone for good and I’m glad. Truth is, digital cameras and projection now far surpass film (check out the Netflix Breaking Bad film in 4K Dolby Vision if you doubt this). We just need to get theater owners to upgrade to 2020 standards (the ones we have in our home theaters). I get that they don’t want to do this, having just spent a fortune switching over from film. But that, as they say, is why they get paid the big bucks (for popcorn).
Do you realize the picture quality of your local theater is now inferior to the lowest-end big-screen TV? 2K resolution, no OLED, no HDR, no Dolby Vision, no Atmos (mostly), lower brightness, sticky floors, cellphones buzzing ...
Even the theaters that claim 4K projection don’t really have it, cuz most releases are mastered in only 2K quality. You can get 4K HDR et al, but only in the “premium experience” theaters. Not enough of those, and if you miss the one week your choice is playing, too bad.
Haven’t been to a theater but once since last May, right when I got my 77” LG OLED and Atmos setup.
It is astonishing how much better plain old 1080p looks on OLED.
I watched The Firm on PrIme recently and couldn’t believe how good it looked.