Fish - Vigil in a Wilderness of Mirrors and Internal Exiles to be mixed in Atmos (4CD+BluRay Deluxe Sets Shipping July 29, 2024)


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Very excited for these two deluxe editions. Kind of sad that it sounds like this may be the last of the deluxe editions with surround. Maybe Fish won't take to retirement and crofting giving us a cunning plan on his return to music.
Thanks for posting this. Ordered both of them. You need to pre-order them separately. The order form page adjusts for US residents. Very excited. And now waiting news on APP Pyramid pre-order. Banner day!
I've got Internal Exile in my cart, but I'm not seeing any way to buy Vigil. I see the description but there's no link to buy, Website problems maybe, I'll try again later.

Edit: I just read @SHB post, the bit about ordering separately, so yeah, you can only have one of the items in your cart. I deleted Internal Exile from the cart and then the link to buy Vigil appeared.
Fish just posted this on his Facebook page. They are trying to fix the problem.

IMPORTANT NEWS - temporary shut down of pre order
It's come to our notice that the mailorder software is not allowing customers to purchase two separate products at once ie 'Vigil' and 'Internal 'deluxes
We decided to shut down the pre order to try and resolve this as it's meaning at present that people if they want to buy both albums are paying postage on two single transactions rather than one transaction. Please give us some time for Rob Skarin to try and work this out .
Sorry for the inconvenience and all I ask is please be patient till we try and resolve this issue.
Another Update:

IMPORTANT NEWS re preorders
Rob's tried to find a way to allow mixed orders in the preorder but the software is infexible and won't allow it.
This means for example that if you want to order both 'Vigil' and 'Internal' deluxes you have to create separate orders which I regret to say means two postage payments.
This is only relative to the preorders and once the product goes 'live' mixed orders can be placed and processed.
All I can say is that if you want to save on postage on a multiple order then you can wait until July when the albums arrive but for now I'm sorry to say 'computer says no' and the only option is to place individual orders.
It's frustrating and annoying and we tried but we just have to deal with this
thanks for all your support on the preorders so far and for your understanding
it's sincerfely appreciated
Fish just posted this on his Facebook page. They are trying to fix the problem.

IMPORTANT NEWS - temporary shut down of pre order
It's come to our notice that the mailorder software is not allowing customers to purchase two separate products at once ie 'Vigil' and 'Internal 'deluxes
We decided to shut down the pre order to try and resolve this as it's meaning at present that people if they want to buy both albums are paying postage on two single transactions rather than one transaction. Please give us some time for Rob Skarin to try and work this out .
Sorry for the inconvenience and all I ask is please be patient till we try and resolve this issue.

There is always a hitch or hiccup in Fish's plans, :ROFLMAO:
Nor can you order 2 of the same item so you and a fellow QQ'er can each order one and reduce shipping.
Guess I'll go back in July and get them both.
I guess the restriction is to avoid purchase of a big amount for reselling later.

In any case, these are not limited quantity releases, like for some SDE limited editions, that if you doubt for some days you lose it. True?
I agree with @AYanguas. I think Fish always has the best intentions and the limit is intended to disrupt the multiple copy "ebay' resellers but as with most of his plans - there always seems to be that "one last thing they didn't check".
Another update Re. European orders:
This is just to let you know that at the moment the preorders aren't available on the site. I'm sure it will be resolved in the next day or so but personnel changes at the company meant they had a few delays getting things set up. Please be patient and I'll let you know what's happening as soon as I can
thanks Fish
I think it's a limited edition of around 3000 units each.
He did mention during one of his "Fish on Friday" webcasts that he was only ordering enough to reach the price break.

Can't recall that it was as high as 3,000. Given that he is selling his home/studio/merchandise HQ before the end of summer, he definitely said he had no intention of buying more than he feels he sell straight off along with a quantity he can sell at tour dates.

And that if the demand did move him to re-order, he definitely warned that the price would significantly jump. He repeatedly has stated that he struggled with the pricing enough. On one hand, making it affordable but on the other pricing it at the value he perceives the contents are worth.