Flaming Lips Yoshimi Atmos Blu-ray out November 1st, 2024!


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Yes you can buy downfiring modules that attach under your front wide speakers and reflect off the floor - I’ve got a Atmos system built just for this release.

Lossy can definitely be transparent, but I’ve found 448 Kbps 5.1 Dolby Digital ain’t it.

448 Kbps 2.0 Dolby Digital? Totally different story.

Well, I've never A/B'd lossy vs lossless, my ears are old and abused by many years of loud music, my system is in all likelihood mid-fi and I'm probably not the most discriminating/analytical listener to begin with, so take my opinion with a number of grains of salt. But I'm usually very happy with most DD and DTS lossy mixes. I still always choose hi-rez lossless when it's an option- unless there's some reason like accessing bleep blop animations- just because I'm far from sure. But lossless generally works fine for me. Even in the case of streaming Atmos, where the math says it's gotta sound worse, I hear some gorgeous Atmos mixes over streaming, like the new Apostrophe mix. I gues maybe it's a case of ignorance being bliss? 🤷‍♂️