Thin Lizzy "1976" (SDE exclusive Blu-Ray with surround mixes of "Jailbreak" and Johnny the Fox")


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I doubt anyone is digitizing analog multis at 48K in 2024. When I interviewed mixing engineer Brad Leigh a few weeks ago about his work on the recent Billy Joel Atmos remixes, he said that Sony insisted on doing the transfers at 192K to ensure they were future-proofed.
I get the original 24-track tapes, so I’m starting from ground zero. In fact, I actually went to oversee the transfers at Sony.

We actually did The Nylon Curtain at 96-khz/24-bit first, but then Sony came and essentially said “we don’t want to go back to these tapes ever again, so it has to be 192-khz/24-bit.” So all the transfers are now done at 192K, and then I’ll resample to 96K for my Pro Tools session.
Thats a fair point but I would have still had the multis transfered at 96k anyway for preservation reasons even if they were to be downsampled to 48k after.
Do you really think there is any content on 1970s multi tracks that gets even close to 24Khz? Most of the mixing consoles etc topped out at 16KHz back then.
Ordered but taking a chance.
  1. Not a big Thin Lizzy fan. But then again, I've never listened to them beyond the radio. So maybe sitting down and actively listening to two different albums in surround sound will create a whole new appreciation.
  2. A little worried about the potential surround mix given some of the comments. Here's to hoping 🍻
Plus, in like six months if I don't like it for whatever reason, I can always flip it for at least what I paid, given its limited release.
All consumer Atmos is limited to 48kHz, so the majority of mixing engineers seem to work at that native resolution. Since all those new mixes are derived from those sessions, they're also likewise limited to 48kHz - the only person I've seen who delivers 96kHz PCM files of non-Atmos remixes alongside Atmos mixes is Steven Wilson, but he seems to be the rare exception to the rule.
I think that's down to the nature if his workflow.
The guitar part including the solo on "Cowboy Song" is one of my favorites of all time. It has this crunch in the chords building up to the solo and then the solo itself is just exquisite. I'd hope that the 5.1 remix retains that toasted to perfection distortion.
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The guitar part including the solo on "Cowboy Song" is one of my favorites of all time. It has this crunch in the chords building up to the solo and then the solo itself is just exquisite. I'd hope that the 5.1 remix retails that toasted to perfection distortion.
I had never heard Cowboy Song until it was used in the movie The Kings of Summer so effectively a few years ago and I had to track it down. Looking forward to this release.
Is this going to be another TYA situation- where I need to order an additional copy for the backup storage shelf? Or are these limited releases now getting repressed as needed basically staying in print until everyone has one?
So far, out of the 23 (and 4 pending) releases there's only been three represses. And even then, non have exceeded the 7000 units that Tears for Fears, The Hurting has had.

In my personal opinion, if demand is high during the initial pre-ordering period I'm not adverse for the print run to be increased...
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This is only the second of this series I have ordered, the first being Tubular Bells. And I'm in the UK so this series is cheaper for me than pretty much anything else similar.
Is it confirmed that the Blu-Ray is the same in the box? There's no mention of a 5.1 mix in the box as far as I've seen?

"There is also a Blu-Ray containing an Atmos mix of both albums."
Is it confirmed that the Blu-Ray is the same in the box? There's no mention of a 5.1 mix in the box as far as I've seen?
No, the Blu Ray is definitely NOT the same. As far as I'm aware, we're not certain what exactly is on the box set Blu Ray (we know at the very least there's the Atmos mix and stereo remix on it). One thing we DO know is that it doesn't contain the instrumental mix of both albums, which is exclusive to the SDE release.