Florida hurricane


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Oh. We're good here. Milton did nothing to us beyond a little wind and rain.
Helene was the (last) one that tore us up and damaged the house. We left and went East for that one.
Milton cut in across the state so far down it was a non event here. It did impact my Daughter in Bradenton, but they were only without power two days, and she only lost a wood fence in back. She has solar on the roof but I guess it's set up to feed the grid only. Don't understand all I know about that....

Idalia last year, Debbie and Helene this year, hit us pretty hard though, and cleanup continues.

A fellow forum member that does not live in Florida now, has family down in the general Brooksville area on the Withlacoochie River where the rising water and downed trees gave them major problems and his parents had to bail from their home.
She has solar on the roof but I guess it's set up to feed the grid only. Don't understand all I know about that....

Most home solar installations are set up such that if the grid is down, the solar system is down. They are rigged this way to prevent the solar installation from back-feeding power into the grid and electrocuting linemen.

Some more sophisticated systems have a grid isolation switch which allows the homeowner to get power from the solar system without backfeeding power into the grid.

I don't know why all solar installations typically do not come with this isolation switch. My brother in law's system has one and whole house generators have them.
Most home solar installations are set up such that if the grid is down, the solar system is down. They are rigged this way to prevent the solar installation from back-feeding power into the grid and electrocuting linemen.

Some more sophisticated systems have a grid isolation switch which allows the homeowner to get power from the solar system without backfeeding power into the grid.

I don't know why all solar installations typically do not come with this isolation switch. My brother in law's system has one and whole house generators have them.
Yes. Transfer switch.
I have a 30A plug connected to my power that I use a 10 gauge extension cord I made between the generator and the plug. I don't have a transfer switch, I just throw the main breaker so it doesn't backfeed.

I think next year I'm going to try and upgrade my generator, mine will only push 5kW steady draw, and get one that will at least do a 50A circuit so that means I'll have to get the plug/receptacle for 50A. Would love to have one to push 200A and connected to a transfer switch but that's out of my price range.
Oh. We're good here. Milton did nothing to us beyond a little wind and rain.
Helene was the (last) one that tore us up and damaged the house. We left and went East for that one.
Glad to hear you didn't get your property tore up like Helene. I know you were still working hard to cut up all the downed trees and such.
It's been one crazy year down here.
I'm so terribly shocked and sorry about those two horrific hurricanes hitting you lovely folks in Florida.

I love you guys and I love this community, been here for over 14 years now and still check in every day. I've only ever met one of you guys in person, Simon who used to live in Montreal while I was there. But still, I feel close to you folks and coming in here feels like checking in on my homeys.

It's from that place of love that I implore the US citizens here, please, this November, vote for the party that at least recognizes climate change and does something about it. We're talking about two heavy hurricanes here and I truly wish you nothing but the best for dealing with the situation at hand. At the same time, please, let's acknowledge the overarching reality in which this is happening. Science has warned us about this for decades, and now the planet is already beyond the conditions in which the human species has been able to come into existence and thrive. Here's a fairly decent summary of where we are.

I'm really sorry to preach and I'm sure some of you will be angry at me. But we've abused and exploited the planet's resources and now they're pretty much broken. I don't know what else to say except, please, let's try to fix and preserve what we still can. And "drill baby drill" is a recipe for complete and utter global catastrophe.

Okay, I'm getting off my high horse now. Again, sorry for this, but if we keep dancing around the elephant in the room, it'll crush us.
Not Florida, but North Carolina. A wonderful audio and vinyl record store was destroyed from Helene, Ken's HiFi. It was in Hendersonville NC, about a 30 minute drive for me. This is what was posted by the owner of Cherry Vintage Audio here in Greenville SC:

"After almost 40 years in business, Ken's shop was directly hit by a massive wall of water and mud. He said the water level rose to 80 inches before it subsided into two feet of mud. Thousands of records, dozens of vintage amps, receivers, turntables and speakers were destroyed. Sadly, no flood insurance either. He said he's finished, no way to continue. This was a terrible event for one of the very few vintage HiFi shops still alive in the Carolinas."

Geeeeeez...You have to wonder how people who believe this type of insanity manage to live to adulthood. Brickwalled CD's...now THAT is a conspiracy. 🙏
A female member of congress from Georgia, i wont name her, is a conspiracy theory believer and insists that the government can control the weather and is steering hurricanes to red states. Her followers believe what she says.

This woman was voted into office.

It boggles the mind.
Geeeeeez...You have to wonder how people who believe this type of insanity manage to live to adulthood. Brickwalled CD's...now THAT is a conspiracy. 🙏
Thankfully, when Hurricane Milton was poised to strike the West Florida coast as a CAT 4 or possibly 5, residents in the affected areas WISELY did heed the warnings and evacuated thus GREATLY minimizing the potential death rate.

A female member of congress from Georgia, i wont name her, is a conspiracy theory believer and insists that the government can control the weather and is steering hurricanes to red states. Her followers believe what she says.

This woman was voted into office.

It boggles the mind.
You mean that 'bleached blonde' with the Butch body? A disgrace to the office but if people keep voting these bimbos into office and are taken 'seriously' what does that say for the future of our country ...or for that matter any country.

What's really sorely lacking in this conspiracy ridden universe of ours in the age of the world wide net is COMMON SENSE ...and you don't need a college education or degree for THAT! WAKE UP PEOPLE...THERE'S NOTHING REMOTELY SEXY ABOUT BEING STUPID!

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I'm so terribly shocked and sorry about those two horrific hurricanes hitting you lovely folks in Florida.

I love you guys and I love this community, been here for over 14 years now and still check in every day. I've only ever met one of you guys in person, Simon who used to live in Montreal while I was there. But still, I feel close to you folks and coming in here feels like checking in on my homeys.

It's from that place of love that I implore the US citizens here, please, this November, vote for the party that at least recognizes climate change and does something about it. We're talking about two heavy hurricanes here and I truly wish you nothing but the best for dealing with the situation at hand. At the same time, please, let's acknowledge the overarching reality in which this is happening. Science has warned us about this for decades, and now the planet is already beyond the conditions in which the human species has been able to come into existence and thrive. Here's a fairly decent summary of where we are.

I'm really sorry to preach and I'm sure some of you will be angry at me. But we've abused and exploited the planet's resources and now they're pretty much broken. I don't know what else to say except, please, let's try to fix and preserve what we still can. And "drill baby drill" is a recipe for complete and utter global catastrophe.

Okay, I'm getting off my high horse now. Again, sorry for this, but if we keep dancing around the elephant in the room, it'll crush us.
I can't speak for all Americans; only myself. I agree that our dependence on fossil fuels, among other things, accelerated what we're now experiencing. Of course, we're not alone at this. It would seem the world didn't realize, when we started using them, what the long-term use of these fuels would do to our atmosphere. Since it's the policy of QQ not to get political, I won't get up on my soap box and preach. I trust my fellow Yanks know which party is responsible in perpetuating our use of these fuels, and which one is more interested in exploring alternate means. I trust people will vote their conscience.
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I'm so terribly shocked and sorry about those two horrific hurricanes hitting you lovely folks in Florida.

I love you guys and I love this community, been here for over 14 years now and still check in every day. I've only ever met one of you guys in person, Simon who used to live in Montreal while I was there. But still, I feel close to you folks and coming in here feels like checking in on my homeys.

It's from that place of love that I implore the US citizens here, please, this November, vote for the party that at least recognizes climate change and does something about it. We're talking about two heavy hurricanes here and I truly wish you nothing but the best for dealing with the situation at hand. At the same time, please, let's acknowledge the overarching reality in which this is happening. Science has warned us about this for decades, and now the planet is already beyond the conditions in which the human species has been able to come into existence and thrive. Here's a fairly decent summary of where we are.

I'm really sorry to preach and I'm sure some of you will be angry at me. But we've abused and exploited the planet's resources and now they're pretty much broken. I don't know what else to say except, please, let's try to fix and preserve what we still can. And "drill baby drill" is a recipe for complete and utter global catastrophe.

Okay, I'm getting off my high horse now. Again, sorry for this, but if we keep dancing around the elephant in the room, it'll crush us.
I haven't seen you since I came back to the forum in my 4 year hiatus....you are a well respected member...and a popular one in my opinion...I understand your concerns...however you are addressing the wrong country if you are expecting any results...our system of government is broken and has been for awhile...we used to be a model for other countries...now we are the laughing stock of other nations...we are a democracy on paper only...there are 2 parties but they have the same 2 goals...to get elected and stay elected....they will say anything and do anything to reach those goals...

So any hope you might have of getting help from the US is unrealistic...once the elected get in office...there singular goal is to discredit the other party for future elections....we the people are just collateral damage...they are so brazen now that they don't even hide it anymore...we can't even get a long term budget to keep the government operating...

It's sad that a country this size couldn't offer intelligent, HONEST candidates to fill the highest position in our country...the only hope for this country is that a new party would be formed to represent Moderate views....an intellectual party that didn't have an agenda...but that would take decades of "house cleaning" in the Senate and the House..it's hard to imagine a worse 2 candidates...that is setting the bar LOW...

Good luck my friend in your quest...LIVE LONG AND PROSPER
It would be in the BEST interest of ALL countries of the world to band together once and for all and attempt to solve the climate crisis but I fear it’s way too late for that.

While electric cars/SUVs sound great on paper, they are still years away from solving the problems with their ill conceived lithium battery sources which are plain dangerous and prone to fires, et Alia [they tell you not to park them in your garage] and even if they were viable, there are way too many gas engines in the world to even make a dent!

As far as fracking and drilling for crude ….. the entire world is all too dependent on it and at least the US has tried to discourage coal production …. But China still depends on it for its over 1 billion populace and will continue to do so in the forseeable future!

They say IT’S NEVER TOO LATE …. but unfortunately even that age old adage has seemingly run out of steam! While the world heats up at an alarming pace to reverse the process would literally take a MAJOR miracle!

IMO, every country of the world is facing similar crises as our own and all we can do is vote, dutifully pay our taxes and we can bitch, moan and complain all we want but we are all somewhat guilty of remaining silent all these years or risk being ‘targets’ on what has become, IMO, the most dangerous threat to mankind … the world wide Internet which has become the single greatest source of malice, misinformation and UNREST! FAKE news is everywhere and unless you have a viable crystal ball it is up to each and every one of us to attempt to decipher the ABSOLUTE TRUTH of what is REALLY GOING ON!

And seriously: Good Luck with THAT!
I haven't seen you since I came back to the forum in my 4 year hiatus....you are a well respected member...and a popular one in my opinion...I understand your concerns...however you are addressing the wrong country if you are expecting any results...our system of government is broken and has been for awhile...we used to be a model for other countries...now we are the laughing stock of other nations...we are a democracy on paper only...there are 2 parties but they have the same 2 goals...to get elected and stay elected....they will say anything and do anything to reach those goals...

So any hope you might have of getting help from the US is unrealistic...once the elected get in office...there singular goal is to discredit the other party for future elections....we the people are just collateral damage...they are so brazen now that they don't even hide it anymore...we can't even get a long term budget to keep the government operating...

It's sad that a country this size couldn't offer intelligent, HONEST candidates to fill the highest position in our country...the only hope for this country is that a new party would be formed to represent Moderate views....an intellectual party that didn't have an agenda...but that would take decades of "house cleaning" in the Senate and the House..it's hard to imagine a worse 2 candidates...that is setting the bar LOW...

Good luck my friend in your quest...LIVE LONG AND PROSPER
I wish I could disagree with you, Clint. But yeah, I've been paying close attention to US politics since I came to Montreal in 2008 and a roommate introduced me to Jon Stewart, and it was bad and it's only gotten worse. I have full trust, however, that underneath the noise, "everyday" people are fundamentally good with simply differring opinons, but their hearts in the right place.

Fingers crossed. And all the best to you from Germany :)
Ed Koch would say: If you agree with me on 8 of 12 issues, you should vote for me. If you agree with me on 12 of 12 issues, go see a psychiatrist.

Unfortunately, it seems that the parties either want you to agree with them on 100% of their positions or you are poison. ☹️
AR, suppose they gave a party and nobody came? Well I fear a lot of people are going to sit it out this time around. And if the wrong party does get it …who’s REALLY at fault?

And if RED does get in…then we REALLY BLEW [BLUE] it!

Hey, I’d LOVE to run….but my legs are wobbly!
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