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New member
Jul 30, 2024
Hey guys,

I am a video artist and I am creating a quadraphonic sound and light / video show that I exhibit at festivals. I was thinking, I would LOVE to download or purchase quadraphonic music so I can play it on my quad system!

I was super excited when I found this forum but im stumped, because im not sure where to find the surround mixes?

Could anyone point me in the right direction for surround music I can purchase / download or royalty free music I can test on my system?

Thanks so much ! :)
Hey guys,

I am a video artist and I am creating a quadraphonic sound and light / video show that I exhibit at festivals. I was thinking, I would LOVE to download or purchase quadraphonic music so I can play it on my quad system!

I was super excited when I found this forum but im stumped, because im not sure where to find the surround mixes?

Could anyone point me in the right direction for surround music I can purchase / download or royalty free music I can test on my system?

Thanks so much ! :)
I really LOVE this youtube channel from @Methuselah’s Grandpa
Just set up in the proprieties of the 4 channel sound card the absence of C and SUB and the 5.1 will be dowmixed to 4.0 automatically