A point about multichannel audio I would like to make…


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What I would LOVE to hear would be Rupert Hine “Wildest Wish to Fly” done in a similar way as the Howard Jones 5.1 releases! I wore that record out! Firefly in the Night! That would be insanely wonderful. Alas my vision is not another man’s! So many great releases this team has produced! Love the work with Rush, Bob Geldof, Chris deBurgh and probably more that I am not even aware of!
Well - I would love to be able to do all that - even in Atmos. But sadly Rupert was careless with his tape archives and they were either lost or stolen.

I was passionate about those Rupert Hine solo albums, they led us to a very interesting place, very experimental and creative.

I could always use my demixing/remixing skills to do something really creative with the stereo versions - but there are sadly also issues with the estate, so I doubt there will be any further involvement.

Maybe some of the other productions...... who knows. SWTx
after several years of thinking why im hooked to multichannel (either dolby atmos, Auro 3d, DTS, or whatever format or whatever iteration) i can only say that i want to hear more clarity, things i havent noticed before in some records i really like, discovering new music (sometimes new old music) and i guess the most is like a feel of belonging to this community.......people that like music, people that like equipments and the most........people that are open to share their lifes and their memories..........wow, i really owe you a lot
Surround sound is more akin to a live music experience for me. I don't just mean like a Pink Floyd concert with aggressive quad surround joystick moves. The spacial stuff entirely aside, just a live stage with drums and multiple amplifiers. Multiple full sound sources coming at you with dynamics. It's hard to squish that experience into stereo. (Not impossible... Just harder.)