The recent Howard Jones 5.1 mixes reminded me that in 2015 he also released “Engage” with a 5.1 mix. To be completely honest, I listened to it maybe once or twice when I bought it (maybe 5 years ago?) but it was such a departure from what I expected that I didn’t revisit it. Until today.
The first thing I did was search for a thread and found nothing so I thought I’d better start one.
Going in this time without expectations, this is a fun disc. Many styles are mixed together, but almost all are VERY electronic at the core. In some ways it reminds me of Steven Wilson’s recent solo works. The surround mix is very adventurous as well - I’d give it a 9. It was mixed by Robbie Bronnimann. This is similar to the recent “Human’s Lib” and “Dream Into Action” releases in that the visuals are very integral to the presentation so it’s no surprise that Stephen W. Tayler did them!
@Stephen W Tayler, is there anything you can share with us about this project?
The first thing I did was search for a thread and found nothing so I thought I’d better start one.
Going in this time without expectations, this is a fun disc. Many styles are mixed together, but almost all are VERY electronic at the core. In some ways it reminds me of Steven Wilson’s recent solo works. The surround mix is very adventurous as well - I’d give it a 9. It was mixed by Robbie Bronnimann. This is similar to the recent “Human’s Lib” and “Dream Into Action” releases in that the visuals are very integral to the presentation so it’s no surprise that Stephen W. Tayler did them!
@Stephen W Tayler, is there anything you can share with us about this project?