I need a new decoder/processor/preamp - suggestions please


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Well, unexpectedly, my offer on a Denon AVR-X5200W was accepted although, at 20 euro over my budget, I feel I should reassure @Owen Smith that my children should only have to susbsist on thin gruel for a few weeks in order to accomodate such extravagance
Oh yeah, you don't want to fall out with your kids... You never know when you'll need one of their kidneys!
Oh, did I say that I hate AVR's!
I’ve always felt that power amps should not be on the same chassis as the switch. My first rig (there’s a picture somewhere deep in the “show us your gear” thread) had a tube-based receiver, which I kept for about five years, because that’s what I could afford. Ever since, I’ve had separate amps.
Its endlessly cycling the loading process. Research suggests that is the kiss of death. So far as I can ascertain, theres no Emotiva support in Europe and its not going to be financially viable to return it to its home on the offchance that it is repairable, especially since Emotiva no longer seem to offer support for it.

Besides which, its an excuse to buy an exciting new toy.................
I have three Emotiva Pro Stealth 8s across the front. When I hooked them up after being in storage for a couple of years (move and construction), all three needed recapping.The only support I could get from Emotiva was a set of schematic diagrams. Every aluminum capacitor had dried out and needed replacing.

Theynsound fine now, but I’m a bit soured on the company.