I have done now a test with a function by CD-4 as never bevor: To play a CD-4 record with the SM in the QS mode. Another fan hase lend me his record "CD-4 Experience". Together with my own (the 4 mouthes on the cover) I could play both records simultaneous with 2 of my players and could listen the difference between CD-4 about the Demodulator JVC 1000 and the SM in QS position and switching with my commutator. Astonishingly one could listen by QS also a clear separation in front-back. But only by music. In the chapter 7 on side 1 are speacking 4 people in 4 languages - each in one channel. The channel separation of front left and back left was in this example zero. Each voice was listen in front and back simulatenous. Playing the record abot the CD-4 demodulator the sound was more clear and has particurlary more dynamic by music and the voices are listen clear in the corredct position. So I would prefere a new Demodulator with separation by the 30 kHz carrier and the sort out of the channels with the special CD-4 A/B matrix.