Newbi to 5.1 and this (incredible!) forum. Be gentle! Just got my B&W CM9 system a few weeks ago and very happy with it.
A question for anyone who can help... I just purchased the Aqualung 40th Ann. Box. Despite some of the issues identified earlier, I'm really enjoying hearing one of my favorite albums in so many formats, sounding so good, to my ears. I have been listening to this album in various formats for over 40 years now! But I am experiencing one issue. On all versions that are not 5.1, everything sounds about right when the (louder!) piano/guitar intro in Locomotive Breath transitions into the main song. There's the chugga-chugga electric guitar riff on one side, the voice comes in, and then the other electric guitar riffing comes on the other side. All present and correct, if in different places on the sound stage, depending on which version. Including the quad versions too.
On all the 5.1 versions, Blue-Ray and DVD everything again is present - except the chugga-chugga electric guitar riff is entirely missing. Entirely - not even a ghost of the riff. Also, towards the end of Moother Goose, the electric guitar doubling of the chorus riff is missing too - again, only from the 5.1 versions. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I've checked all my wiring, and played lots of other music I know well - and everything seems present and correct on those 5.1 mixes - except on Genesis, Foxtrot, where Peter Gabriel's "A Flower" question is very muffled on "Suppers Ready"...
Is this problem just me and how I've set up the system, or is this an issue others have experienced? If anyone can offer confirmation, or a view, on this one, I'd be very grateful. Thanks!