I do appreciate and support your opinions, especially where it concerns prog-rock and associated things. I am quite conflicted as I didn't like the track from this new "Tull" album that has been selected to be put to video on YouTube for many of the reasons that you outlined in your extensive and well thought out review (Ian's vocals, the mix AND the continued forced absence of Martin Barre. I could also lament the absence of a good drum sound post Barrimore Barlow's departure in the very early 80's but that would be akin to "flogging a dead horse" so to speak). The packaging, this time, looks absolutely "top shelf" and I also like to support releases that are "immersive" and employ hi-rez above and beyond "Redbook" CD resolution. The new Dream Theater is a very similar presentation of this type of deluxe 2CD/Blu-ray configuration (Atmos) with a great book and on-screen graphics. This very well might indeed be of interest to others in this forum. For me and my tastes, however, it's still a pass.