I voted 9. I absolutely loved this entire production.
The Book: Highly recommend. This reading hit me on all cylinders. I had about 7 years where I combed through the Bible, so this
True Concept Album with it's Biblical overtones was not unfamiliar to me and in fact intrigued me to read the book entirely, which is not normal for me. Ian's ideas, his thoughts, how it was recorded, as a band, with Covid among us tracks 1,3,4,5,7,8,12 recorded at Modern World Studio and tracks 2, 6, 9, 10, 11 recorded at home ended up being highly informative. His break down of the used Bible verses was good reading for me. In the Tim Bowness interview he explains his view of what is Ian Anderson and what is Jethro Tull.
CD1 and CD2: These 16/44.1 discs are good quality. Why bother with Disc 1 when you can rip the Blu Ray, and Disc 2, all I can say why not put the demos (CD 2) on the Blu Ray.
Blu Ray: I listened to the hard disc in my Panasonic player 5.1 DTS HD MSTR at a comfortable 55db. Immediately, I was hit with the low bass/LFE sound, which made me check my levels, but I settled into the sound and enjoyed it.
@srbjab says in his description above, I quote, " This mix never calls attention to itself or intrudes on the music", wow what a great description, that is it exactly, I love this mix, very calming and fitting for the music, not completely discrete and not completely immersive, front to back and right to left, a great surround experience.
Menu, screen visuals and size of book: Menu is as easy as they come, no frills, point and play. On screen aside with looking at Ian's big face which it seems others do not like, you can play a little game, and look at the words and compare to words on front cover. Regarding the size of book, I really don't care I own so many discs, there is no rhyme or reason to anything when released, many artists release different sizes.
Why did I vote 9 instead of 10? If I love this so much, why a 9. I only have one reason and that is the heavy bass, LFE, sound. It is not a deal breaker, it is just one of those mixes that I say to myself, if I did it, it would sound like.............
I hope you allow yourself to purchase this release and my advice is the book edition will enhance your ultimate music listening experience.