Joe Walsh - So What QS LP


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THAT, as they say, is the question we'd all like answered...but if it's from a genuine QS source, then it's a bit on the quirky side, though I'll take it over the horsecrap Croce and Steely Dan Command Q mixes from back in the day. By all rights this one should have made it to stores, even if only briefly, as the stereo edition sold briskly enough for a time.

ED :)
On my 'Quad Scope, it shows a "very-QS" pattern. Wide Rears, Narrow Front. There's definitely some discrete action going on but I don't believe it's from a discrete source. But it also doesn't have any "LP Sound" to it either. Did they make such a thing as an Encoded QS-Master? I guess they would have if it were being prepared for LP.....
I had a daydream yesterday that But Seriously.... was mixed in quad and never released. :alienrob:
Awwww....shit! I hope this this is not a problem with the three STEELY DAN'S??

Universal may have the tapes, they may not.. I think their vaults are in the biggest state of disarray nowadays, no doubt due in part to the sheer number of other labels' archives they've gobbled up over the years, plus losses in fires and other disasters.. Warner and Sony Quads we've seemingly got more of a fighting chance of hearing again I reckon, as AF's superb 4.0 SACDs indicate.
It's a safe bet that anything under the ABC umbrella is long gone. Grass Roots, Steppenwolf, Three Dog Night, Hamilton/Joe Frank & Reynolds, John Lee Hooker, B.B. King (more than likely), Jim Croce, Rufus, The Four Tops.... all gone. Unless of course, the artists/managers/owners somehow got ahold of their tapes like that Three Dog Night Quad master that appeared on eBay a few years ago. ABC was virtually purged during the buy-out. Mono & Multitrack either wiped or tossed. All that was kept for the archive/vault were the stereo masters.
Not all of them are gone: the Grass Roots' multis--or at least a fair share of them--still exist, apparently, since I've heard alternate mixes here and there since the '80s. The Steely Dan multis must exist, since we know these have been remixed. The larger question is if Universal still has the quad mixes themselves. Some multis are gone forever, unfortunately, but how many is not certain, although Walsh's were apparently among those tossed.

ED :)
Not all of them are gone: the Grass Roots' multis--or at least a fair share of them--still exist, apparently, since I've heard alternate mixes here and there since the '80s. The Steely Dan multis must exist, since we know these have been remixed. The larger question is if Universal still has the quad mixes themselves. Some multis are gone forever, unfortunately, but how many is not certain, although Walsh's were apparently among those tossed.

ED :)

You know you've got a point. I think I'm up to 3 different Stereo Mixes along with the 3 Quad Mixes of "Sooner or Later" by the 'Roots.
Problem is, I have no idea when exactly they were mixed. One is for sure the original stereo mix, the other was for those "20th Century Masters" editions you'd see for sale at Gas Stations and discount stores. That has a more modern, though wholly incorrect stereo mix. For whatever reason, they've omitted some of Dennis Provisor's vocals! The third one, I have no idea it's source.

The Quad ones are all vintage mixes; Proper Discrete, Alternate Discrete and QS version.

Sorry for going off topic though. This discussion should be about Joe Walsh and I do apologize.

To stay on topic, I would have to agree that this is a huge disappointment. It would be cool to hear from the insiders what the actual story behind closed doors was. Did they try to get out an unreleased Quad this time? Were the tapes available or not? Did someone (no names necessary) put the ki-bosh to the 4.0 mix? Was the 4.0 mix discrete or was it from that purported QS Master that circulated a few years ago? Inquiring minds want to know!
Well, we've seen the Steely Dan quad master "safety copies" of their albums appear on eBay, so one would have to assume that these reels were stolen from the studios or fished out of dumpsters at some point when ABC was initially purchased by MCA. That would make sense. Stories have been bandied about that stereo masters of classic ABC albums were stolen and sold to "Japanese collectors". We all know that the multi's for "aja" were in that category.