As was mentioned over in the 'what's your latest Q8' thread,
@bigbillquad won a couple of huge Japanese auctions recently that comprise something like 170 Japanese Q8 tapes. Over the last few weeks he's been sending me photos of all of them, and I've been collating, organising, transcribing the titles and translating from the Japanese.
The majority of this stuff is Japanese artists, but there are a few exciting Western finds. Nevertheless, pretty much all of this stuff was previously unknown, so we all owe Bill a big debt of gratitude not only for buying it, but also for taking the time to photograph everything - there are in excess of 600 (!) photos to be posted in all.
My plan over the next few days is to post things in numeric and alphabetical order (first all the RCA stuff, and then the Victor stuff) which will go something like this: J4S & RQJ (RCA Japanese pop), R4S 2000 series (RCA Classical), R4S 5000 & RQP 1000 series (RCA Western pop), QH 1000 & VQH 1000 series (Victor Japanese pop), QH 2000 & VQK 1000 series (Victor classical), and finally QW 7000 & VQW 1000 series (Victor Western pop).