Listening Now To This Stereo Blu Ray


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War - The World Is A Ghetto

I haven’t played the Avenue gold disc in more years than I can count, but can’t imagine it sounds this good (in stereo) though a tad bright in places.
Had forgotten how great the music is too. City, Country, City really cooks.
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Ditto on not playing the Avenue Gold Ghetto for years. I agree that the 2ch BD is a bit bright. At 70, I find that a plus. An ESSENTIAL ALBUM!!
Make me realize, I need to pull out those Avenue gold discs for another spin (along with hundreds of other neglected classics).

I’m starting to feel the same way about “bright” not always being such a bad thing anymore.
My ears celebrate their 63rd anniversary in a couple of weeks and they ain’t what they used to be LOL

Porcupine Tree - Closure/Continuation

Sounds great in 24/96 stereo LPCM on the Bluray, though the denser bits can sound a bit congested. Took me a while to get into the music, it picks up after the first 2 or 3 tracks .

As always the instrumentals, (which are on CD2 only - not the Bluray WTF), are a great listen.

Jethro Tull - The Zealot Gene

I’ve read comments that this record was boring and ‘samey’. Not so IMO, very good album.
Sound is very nice in 24/48 LPCM.
The demo disc (on CD) is more interesting than these things typically are.
The various outlines including biblical references render the book underwhelming.
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Def Leppard - Diamond Star Halos

Good record. Nothing screams “hit” but consistently strong material (other than the ballads, but I rarely like ballads, period).
Sound in 24/48 LPCM stereo is excellent.
Plenty of bass and mids, not top heavy like many metal/hard rock recordings.

Marillion - Script For A Jester’s Tear

Quite the debut album. I’d read that the remixed sound was too compressed. Never heard the original (it should have been included here) so I can’t say. This sounds just OK in 24/96 stereo, I strongly suspect it could have been better. Will try the 5.1 at a later date.
The live material, as with their other sets, is very good.

Air - Moon Safari

Other than recognizing the album cover I had never heard Air before.
About what I expected and that’s good. Poppy electronic music.
Excellent sound in 24/192 stereo. The bonus disc (on CD) is good too

Van Morrison - Moondance

Bought this for the Steven Wilson 2.0 remix and though it’s different I’m not sure it’s better.
You can hear the parts more distinctly on the remix (which pushes the vocals forward a bit too much) but the 2013 sounds more “together” if that makes sense.
I could live with either.
Have the earlier set with the Bluray so in retrospect I probably didn’t need this but happy to have it nonetheless.
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Peter Gabriel - i/o

Playing in 24/96 LPCM stereo.
There are 2 or 3 dreary songs but overall upbeat IMO, especially Olive Tree.
The sound is generally very good with spots that sound grainy/overloaded.
The two mixes are aptly named. Flipping back and forth using the red & yellow buttons, the Bright-Side seemed better, more open. For example the percussion that sounds almost 3D on The Court is more subdued on the Dark-Side mix.
But listening to the latter mix on its own, no flipping, is very good too if you goose the volume a bit.
Excellent album either way.

Air - 10000 Hz Legend

Much of this album is a lot different than Moon Safari, not as consistent. A few tracks (the first four) are quite lo-fi IMO, i.e a mixed bag. The sound gets better after that.
Too bad the 2.0 on this Bluray is only 16/48 though admittedly from track 5 on it still sounds good.
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Steve Hackett - The Circus and The Nightwhale

Not really big on concept albums, but as a collection of varied and interesting songs this record works just fine. Sound is good in 24/48 LPCM stereo.
The cover is creepy though.

Wham! - Fantastic

Two tracks in and I’m thinking “Ugh, I should have known better”.
But to my surprise I started to enjoy it more as time went on. The music is ‘samey’ and repetitive but harmless early 80’s disco/pop.
Sound in 2.0 LPCM is fine, clear if a bit thin.

Donny Hathaway - Extension of a Man

Very good album, reminds me in places of Stevie Wonder.
The sound in 24/192 stereo is really nice, though the vocals are slightly grainy.
Maybe an odd choice for Rhino’s Quadio series but one that’s appreciated.