Dusting off (literally) and opening another sealed box set from the slowly shrinking pile.
Roxy Music
A friend has this first album on vinyl so I’m familiar with the music.
Sounds fine. Though it does show it’s age in places I like it better than his LP; fuller, not as thin.
Excellent album.
Not as accessible as their debut but interesting nonetheless especially the side two tracks which are very good.
And they sound better (clearer) than the murky side one tracks.
OSCAR WITH LOVE: A TRIBUTE TO OSCAR PETERSON [Mack Avenue RECORDS/3 RBCDs] A Simply stunning tribute to the great Mr. Peterson from his contemporaries, superbly recorded
One of my favourite bands at the time.
It's been many years since I've heard this one. Their albums Bring It On, Liquid Skin and In Our Gun are all ace!
I needed to hear his voice on "Vera Cruise" through the Utah speakers. It's like he's in the room with me, but the room is an empty theater lobby. Amazing.
EDIT: Jesus Christ, "Veracruz" not "Vera Cruise." Well that's the state I was in after listening, I guess.