Listening now to this stereo/mono CD.


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Good stuff!

there's also Live From Paris...


Might it be the Gold CD? I'd love someone's review of the Gold.

Your wish is my command ;) . Just finished listening to Jorma's 4th Fur Peace Ranch live YouTube concert, so I'll put this on and get back to ya! I love the SURREALISTIC PILLOW gold (although the MoFi mono SACD is great, too). I do not have the original RCA OCTOPUS CD to compare this, but I feel I'm not missing anything.
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You have a MOFI of Ssssh? I am a TYA freak, have them all from the day they where released, saw them two times at Winterland in SF.
My favorite is Stonedhenge but if I wanted to turn on someone to a TYA would be Recorded Live which I am listening to now.

After reading this thread, I simply HAD to play my MoFi Gold of Ssssh and Cricklewood. Ten Years After's first album is also a winner. Certainly, these two and Watt are also worth buying. A Space in Time is still their best album. Fantastic music & great Quad mix. Q8 is my most listened to copy. I also bought SQ, CD & UK LP/DVD Quad.

Also Alvin Lee & Mylon LeFevre On the Road to Freedom is an excellent album. Ronnie Wood and Hari Georgeson were involved. IMHO, So Sad is the best track, and better than Hari's version on Dark Hoarse a year later. Mylon sings lead. This version features some fine guitar work by the author. He had a cold or larengitis while recording Dark Hoarse. Studio time was already booked. Oh, well...

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Yes, I bought sssh/Cricklewood MoFi Gold CD when it was first released. Both albums are on the same disc.

Someone is selling a TYA bundle w/it on EBay for a big hunk o' change, $500+!!!

You have a MOFI of Ssssh? I am a TYA freak, have them all from the day they where released, saw them two times at Winterland in SF.
My favorite is Stonedhenge but if I wanted to turn on someone to a TYA would be Recorded Live which I am listening to now.
For Quad Linda:

Spinning the gold BMG RED OCTOPUS CD as I type. At first, I was reminded of the vinyl album I had so many years ago, and felt that I could see why some people prefer vinyl over digital (a certain separation between instruments seemed missing). But as I listened, I also recognized that the vocals were always the best part of this album, and the gold CD has managed to keep them knife-like sharp! Marty is as smooth as he would ever be, and Grace, chastened on the duets (the engineer asked her to cut her improvs down a lot, so she becomes, as a Rolling Stone review said at the time, "tastier"), is working in tandem with Marty like she never did before or since. And her solo numbers! Magic. I'll admit that this album seemed way more AOR to me at the time, and has never been my favorite JS album; however, I can see why it did so spectacularly in popular circles.

And Papa John! He shines on this. I'll always be grateful to Steve Keyser, one of Paul's tour managers, for allowing me backstage to interview various members of the latter-day JS: The Next Generation (you can find those interviews in trading circles as "hal's death by Jefferson Airplane / Starship bootlegs." I was thinking of "death by chocolate," but hey, if you have to go, what better way ;)). My time with Papa John was the highlight (even if my tape recorder didn't work during one section, to my consternation and Paul Kantner's schadenfreude in the background!).

I do NOT think I need the regular CD of this. And I left vinyl a long time ago. . . .

So YES! The BMG gold version is the digital one to have!
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While we're on the subject of JA / JS, let me put in a good word for the recent excellent Esoteric Records remastering of BARON VON TOLLBOOTH (etc.), LONG JOHN SILVER, and 30 SECONDS OVER WINTERLAND!

BVT has always been a fave, and this one brings out elements that I didn't notice in the RCA CD release (it is also louder, which made think it is brickwalled, but no -- I haven't done DR measuring but I don't think so). LJS is as good as it will ever get, but the true revelation here is 30 SECONDS! Crank it :rocks.
On a tear tonight: now listening to SPITFIRE. I much prefer it to RED OCTOPUS in any form. True, some of the lighter numbers pointed the way downward, but the RCA CD got it right -- I don't need to test the DR, and Craig Chaquico truly shines for the first time. "Dance with the Dragon" and "St. Charles" are probably the last, best Grace / Marty vocal interplays (Grace breaks loose again to spectacular results). What an album! EARTH, sadly, needs to be remastered (there is a kink that will probably never be fixed), but lies on the downward curve of the band. . . .
Dare I how does it sound? Does he sing the songs with no changes, or does he totally rework the songs to sound like a new song?? If that makes sense?
Depends on the song. I am not super familiar with most of them but in the liner notes he says "Some of them I stripped down, while others I Tried to stay as faithful to the original tracks as I could."
I can say that they do not all sound like he is singing from a soup can; unlike most of what he has produced the last decade. I was rather surprised to see a DR of 10.
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