Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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Fortunately, now when you listen to an Atmos album in Tidal, at the end of selection Tidal stops playing. Will have to review if there is any setting for that.

In the beginning, the Tidal App will continue with other "suggested" tracks, that are inevitable non-Atmos and the high volume level set was too high for the stereo tracks, thus bumping from your seat.

I have only Tidal, as an early subscriber before Apple started Atmos. Now I continue with it, because Apple would be somehow redundant for Atmos and I'm not an Apple Guy. Some Atmos titles exist in Apple and not in Tidal. Also fewer in Tidal and not in Apple. I don't have any statistics for that, but it all depends if you like the music style of the missing ones.

At the end, If you're an Apple Guy, have an Apple TV, even have video Apple TV streaming subscription, the decision would be immediate. If not, and you start with all this, a Fire TV stick is the cheaper device (for Tidal, and no for Apple, I think) and you could start a trial on Tidal. Then Tidal is a little expensive, but the amount it's just only like "paying some beers with the friends", I said to me ;)

Now that 1st gen Apple TV 4K's are so cheap on EBAY, I will suggest to anyone to get one. I don't have any other Apple devices. If you do anything video related, it is a better device. I could never go back to a Firestick 4K. I was skeptical but the performance is significantly better. If all you use is Tidal then it shouldn't make too much difference. I paid $35 shipped, but I got one without a remote. They are around $50 with a remote today. Well worth it.
This link works for M83's a goodun

Tragically still just lossless for me. I had an old version of the album in my iCloud Music Library from the pre-Apple Music days. I remember that caused an issue with The Endless River when the 5.1 came up… I’ve tried deleting and I’m running a sync just in case…
Now that 1st gen Apple TV 4K's are so cheap on EBAY, I will suggest to anyone to get one. I don't have any other Apple devices. If you do anything video related, it is a better device. I could never go back to a Firestick 4K. I was skeptical but the performance is significantly better. If all you use is Tidal then it shouldn't make too much difference. I paid $35 shipped, but I got one without a remote. They are around $50 with a remote today. Well worth it.
I also went from Firestick 4K to the ATV 4K and it's much better for both music streaming and apps like Disney+. From the Firestick I could not get Atmos from Disney+ or other apps because my projector wasn't 4K, from the ATV no problem. :cool:

Heres an odd one: indie classic Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming by M83 is showing up as Atmos… for some users. It’s definitely not showing up for me.

Here’s a direct link to the album:

The interesting wrinkle is the band seems to be teasing new music on the 10th… I wonder if they are going to be the “Featured Artist” on that day, and somehow it released in a region early. They did do the music for the Tom Cruise movie Oblivion, which did get an Atmos mix for its 4K re-release (7.1 on its original bluray release), so presumably they have experience with Multichannel Mixing, or at least providing materials for mixers

Oh. My. God. This album is going to be absolutely incredible in atmos (assuming the mixing engineer doesn't screw it up!). This is one of those albums that sounds like it was just made for surround!
Fortunately, now when you listen to an Atmos album in Tidal, at the end of selection Tidal stops playing. Will have to review if there is any setting for that.
Besides a Fire Cube for Atmos, I stream Tidal through several Yamaha receivers and an Android portable player. The Yamahas stop after play, but the Fire Cube and the Android keep playing something else. I'm usually annoyed, but I've found that if I start with an old Atmos single it will keep playing old Atmos singles. I like that.

HOLY COW! First time hearing of this artist, but this was getting a lot of buzz in my music circles out this morning. Wide wide mix on this one. Hints of Joni Mitchell and ambient. Apparently this is the second in a trilogy she’s doing with the first (stereo only) entry being Titanic Rising.

Poking around online it looks like it has contributions from Oneohtrix Point Never, and a harpist I love; Mary Lattimore!
Just checking this one out @PurpleMoustache , yeah her vocals do have some of that Joni Mitchell timbre for sure; plus just a nice 'ce quelque chose de spécial, uh, je ne sais quoi'. I like it (y)
Animals As Leaders - Parrhesia
I was sooo holding my breath that this could go Atmos some day... Unfortunately the mix is nowhere as adventurous as their kind of metal. Anyway, listening to this never was this easy.