Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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Wasn't expecting this! What a welcome surprise. I have to think it's to mark the album's 25th anniversary on June 30th:

Mixing style reminds me of Ryan Ulyate's work on Tom Petty. Jangly rhythm guitar, tambourine, mandolin fills, and harmony vocals in the heights. Calling @PaulatSDE!

Another artist I've not heard of. Had to look her up on WIKI. She's been around a while. Jeez.....
So, they digitized the original 8/16/trak tapes, mixed in the box and then used the Fatsos to get back a little tape fatness? I always thought those DVDs sounded fantastic. I read back then that Page was very hands on with Shirley on the project? I wonder if he did a little overdubbing to cover up clams here and there?
Yes - they transferred the various multitracks (covering the three separate tours they pulled the shows from) into either Pro Tools or Nuendo (I don't recall which DAW they used) and cleaned them up using various software plug-ins. Once digitized and mixed to stereo, they could line them up with the video footage without need for SMPTE time code. The stereo and 5.1 mixes were then run through analog signal processing, including the six channels of Fatsos, and mastered to digital for the DVD.

I agree they sound fantastic - fat and punchy, very powerful (like Zeppelin themselves). Page was indeed very hands on, and I assume there were some overdubs and 'fixes' to tweak and embellish the original performances as captured. Kevin would know what and how much, but I don't he's starting any details.
Wasn't expecting this! What a welcome surprise. I have to think it's to mark the album's 25th anniversary on June 30th:

Mixing style reminds me of Ryan Ulyate's work on Tom Petty. Jangly rhythm guitar, tambourine, mandolin fills, and harmony vocals in the heights. Calling @PaulatSDE!
Love the album, love the mix! (I dont care about heights much, but there is some, subtle like the Dylan album). Instant purchase Bluray for me if SDE did this.
have just finished to go through my whole library of 5,000 tracks in apple music on my apple tv 4k to spot atmos tracks i wasn't aware of (some really unexpected). here below you find in alphabetic order my playlist of atmos and few surround songs i like, some are bad mixes but better than nothing. it's mostly 80s stuff.

i only add to my library the single tracks i like, not full albums, i prefer to have a smaller library. if i want to listen to a particular album in full i just go for it.

other users atmos playlists were very helpful to me at the beginning to find songs in this format, hope this one can help someone else.

Dude goes through the DVD, analyzing the overdubs. Knbeworth is straight as it went down. No ear pieces, ADL, auto tune, etc. three piece band + vox. INMHO Achilles Last Stand is one of the best historical record of their talent compared to today’s meh inorganic concerts.
Go through the CD or stream of Little Feat's 'Waiting For Columbus' and analyze the overdubs... there are plenty, and some outright track replacements - but George Massenburg is a genius and did an exceptional job producing that record.

The other editing genius is Frank Zappa, who pieced together the 'You Cas't Do That On Stage Anymore' series from disparate takes across multiple tour recordings and multitracks - 4, 8, 16, 24, 48 and, in the case of the 1988 tour recordings, 64 track - the splices are nearly imperceptible.
Short feature story in the new issue of Mix Online (scroll to p. 10):
On bottom right of page 8 of the magazine, the photo of

"Sony's Hiroyuki Komuro discusses the 360RA setup at Black River Entertainment's new immersive mix room"

caught my attention.

You can see the "canonical" front 9 speakers of 360RA: LCR, Height LCR, and Low LCR.

The last 3 speakers are positioned lower than the "usual" floor level (seating level).

Considering that there are very few people like us who have a 7.1.4 home theater for Dolby Atmos music, how many people would attempt to install those additional Low LCR speakers on the floor?

It seems like a pity or a waste to mix with those monitoring speakers (how many mixer engineers?) only to listen on virtualized stereo headphones for the vast majority of people.

I hope binaural spatial audio would enhance software and hardware in the future, to keep all this going on for the masses... and for us.
Jimmy Page spent a considerable amount of time remastering all the Led Zeppelin records for three deluxe edition releases years ago.

Wondering if and when he would turn his attention to Atmos re-mixes and repurpose the content for the surround audience.
Those releases were all in lossy formats for all Mch mixes. Not good DR readings either, even for the 2ch mixes.
Wasn't expecting this! What a welcome surprise. I have to think it's to mark the album's 25th anniversary on June 30th:

Mixing style reminds me of Ryan Ulyate's work on Tom Petty. Jangly rhythm guitar, tambourine, mandolin fills, and harmony vocals in the heights. Calling @PaulatSDE!
I have been following Lucinda since her debut, and this is one of her best, and the mix does it justice.:) Good use of all channels in my 7.4.4 setup.:cool: Anyone with Tidal see who mixed this? As @humprof says it's a lot like the Petty mixes.
Tried this out, AVC says Atmos, but it's a 5.1 mix. Sad, as it is good music. :confused:
Weird, I've enjoyed the record maybe even more today than quarter of century ago :)
Oh well, too old for Atmos, too young for quad I guess...

Anyhoo, if you folks still wanna give this a try, go for tracks #9 & #13 (See You In Hell & Your Lies Become You, respectively) first to taste the surround peaks horns here.
Weird, I've enjoyed the record maybe even more than quarter of century ago :)
Oh well, too old for Atmos, too young for quad I guess...

Anyhoo, if you folks still wanna give this a try, go for tracks #9 & #13 (See You In Hell & Your Lies Become You, respectively) first to taste the surround peaks horns here.
It's good music and an OK 5.1 mix, but it's not Atmos. ;)