Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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40 Licks...

In a sentence unlikely to be repeated by anyone: I went straight to Undercover (of the Night) as my first song to listen to. Always one of my favorite Stones songs.

I think my only wish for that song was that the stuff in the heights were louder. (Which I could manually adjust if I want.) Didn’t seem to be much of anything in my rear speakers.

Feeling the same way about Emotional Resuce and Missing You, although the little “chica-to, chica-to” in the heights at about 2:20 was nice.

It sounds like a solid 5.1 mix with some heights. Of course that’s just a quick listen to a few songs. Looking forward to a full listen later where I can crank it up more and get a more accurate feel for it.
40 Licks, unimpressed.
Hot front, weak rears, weaker heights.
Very wide front sound stage which is interesting.
I know I could make all this in the 5.1 department come together with channel level adjusting, but too lazy. The heights, well, I don't think anyone really was paid enough to do a good job.
I turned off my floor amps to listen to heights only, vocals are legible, and LFE is strong, but is certainly ambient heights only.
Mono versions, in Dolby Atmos, does not compute in my pea brain.
I did listen to Stealing My Heart and slide guitar solo came out of heights louder than most.
I would rather just have a CD for the car, but will pass, I can make my own 40 licks.
I don't know.... She's a Rainbow sounded pretty cool in Atmos as does Wild Horses... My modest opinion is if you're primarily a surround fan, this isn't going to do any boat floating, but if you are a Rolling Stones fan and can deal with the Mono Frankenstein's, you may like it ..... Steve C..
Gave a listen to two of the recent releases this morning. 40 Licks was very disappointing to me listening in 5.1. I've given up on getting a good surround mix from the Stones. So many opportunities missed on this one. At least it didn't cost anything to find out, unlike the Goats Head Soup disc.
But I quite enjoyed Neil Young's Freedom album. Hadn't actually listened to the whole thing in many years and, while it's not one of my favorites of his, I liked the music and the mix. Will keep working my way through the others he's put out there on the streaming platforms.
Spent the last couple of hours comparing the Atmos mixes of 40 Licks, Honk, and stereo/mono versions on the original albums. I think I can hear some differences in mixing on a few of the Licks/Honk crossovers but a lot sound the same which is bad news. I even think I like the Honk versions better which I was hoping I’d never say. And in every instance I preferred the original album versions to any Atmos renderings.

Stones in surround is still a big pile of poo so far except Goats Head and it’s not even that good!
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Gave a listen to two of the recent releases this morning. 40 Licks was very disappointing to me listening in 5.1. I've given up on getting a good surround mix from the Stones. So many opportunities missed on this one. At least it didn't cost anything to find out, unlike the Goats Head Soup disc.
Stones in surround is still a big pile of poo so far except Goats Head and it’s not even that good!

Have either of you heard the SACD 5.1 mix of Sympathy For The Devil? It came out in 2003, and it's a jam -- great sound overall, and the percussion and the "woo-hoo" backing vocals are exclusively in the rears.

But yeah, the fact that the clear winner in the Stones surround sweepstakes came out twenty years ago isn't a great sign. (Does anyone know who did the Sympathy mix, and why they apparently haven't gotten any more shots at the Stones catalog?)
The Stones are now the featured artist on the Spatial Audio page with Tattoo You as one of the available titles. Is that one new or have I just been missing it? I only listen to two tracks. "Start Me Up" was a major disappointment. "Waiting on a Friend" had some nice moments though.
The Stones are now the featured artist on the Spatial Audio page with Tattoo You as one of the available titles. Is that one new or have I just been missing it? I only listen to two tracks. "Start Me Up" was a major disappointment. "Waiting on a Friend" had some nice moments though.
Tattoo You has been available for a few years.
I've compared a number of tracks from The Beach Boys "Sounds Of Summer" to their counterparts on the recently released 5 albums. While the mixes appear to be the same, the volume levels have been adjusted.

I don't know if anyone noticed, but on "Sounds Of Summer" the rear channels are louder than the front channels (in some cases significantly ex. In My Room). On the 5 individual albums, the front channels are louder than the rears. I think this results in a more enjoyable listening experience.
That's interesting. I actually thought that these newer mixes, particularly on the first album were even louder in the rears than 'Sounds of Summer', which is why I commented similar pedigree. ' All Summer Long' however sounds more balanced, as do some of the middle albums, but not consistently. They still sound overall pretty good and I'm very grateful to have them.
40 Licks doesn't lick. A huge disappointment. Anemic immersive and shallow sound, a little bright.

Whomever mixed the 5.1 Sympathy For the Devil SACD needs to be in charge of all the Stones Atmos mixes.
The Stones, as a major act over 60 plus years deserve better than this. The original multis, even if don't they exist in some cases, are probably not that great, but this sounds contrived and largely ambient. I thought 'Sympathy' was one of the better ones, but not anywhere near the SACD. That proves it is possible to do it well. Some are not too bad, but overall its extremely inconsistent.The newer tracks are not really that much better. Whoever does it properly eventually, needs to have Peter Jackson over for dinner, as Bob Clearmountain describes in his remix of 'Music For Big Pink'. Giles Martin, having done 'Goats Head Soup' would at least have the correct tools. At least its not in an expensive box set and can easily be redone later. Very disappointing...
40 Licks doesn't lick. A huge disappointment. Anemic immersive and shallow sound, a little bright.

Whomever mixed the 5.1 Sympathy For the Devil SACD needs to be in charge of all the Stones Atmos mixes.
This is the webpage of the head of the Immersive team for ‘Forty Licks’.… I’m not familiar with most the output of the artists listed, but others may know those albums.