Listening to in Dolby Atmos Streaming, via Tidal/Apple/Amazon


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A bit of a brain download- with some notes made during listening to this:

Cmon, Cmon-

Like: rear backing vocals. Guitar left rear

White Wedding:

Like: Drums treated well- punchy. Backing ‘oohs’ much more clear. Prominent bass - easily traceable. Seems crankable- without fatigue ( not tested )

Hot in the city:

Dislike- would’ve placed synths in rears- seems to compete with front for space.

Like- clearly traceable bass-line. Piano stabs appear to be placed in heights. Interlude done well.

Dead on arrival-

Likes: seems wide-like soundstage. Center vocals clear. Guitar part’s clearly traceable-palm mutes, arpeggios, etc.

Nobody’s business:

Like: Punchy! Synth vocal clear. Spacious sounding, but still Rocking. Backing vocals clear. Nice drum pans (min to go)

Love calling:

Likes: demo worthy. Good spread using all speakers. Sax right heights. Crankable. Percussive elements not lost/traceable. Great interlude treatment.

Hole in the wall:
Like: Drums! Bass. Vocal presence. Demo worthy. Heights. Engaging guitar treatment. Great interlude treatment. (~2:30)

Shooting stars:

Likes: Vocal presence. Usage of heights sparkles like stars during verse “she’s shooting stars”. Great interlude treatment.

It’s so cruel:

Likes: Bass treatment, backing vocals in rears- projecting to fronts. Castanets in left heights. Sax in right rears. Demo worthy.

Congo man-

Like: Good presence.

Dislike: No thrills

Overall not many dislikes and 3 tracks demo worthy makes me think it’s one of the better Rock mixes out there.

Verdict: 9/10 (caveat 1st time listen to the non- single tracks on this album. Purists familiar with this may disagree )

One of the best mixes released recently, no doubt. And the album is really very good! I know many of the songs but never listened to this properly as an album. That's going to change now.
A litle bit of M-Mika by my side...
hmm.. not bad.. a bit flat maybe? (i had just been listening to some great examples of Atmos tbf) it's Surround-y.. but kinda sound-effect-y Surround-y more so than musically Surround-y? 🤔
the whole album was made for Surround fabulousness imho 🏳️‍🌈🥳 so.. let's be 'avin' it! 🤞😋

includes some newly mixed Atmos tracks not on the original albums 🧐🥳🏳️‍🌈😍✌️🌴💘🍆🍹

Just wish the mixes were a bit more adventurous. For the love of god, why aren't the jingle bells in the rears?!
Still, all of this music is such a joy, and his talent boggles the mind.

EDIT: Seems like the mixes are better on the singles album. Both Last Christmas and Everything She Wants sound way better and there's a lot more happening all around.
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Siri with Apple Music on Apple TV drives me nuts sometimes. I kept saying “A Bad Think” to call these up and Apple, in its infinite wisdom, kept correcting to “A Bad Thing” because it just couldn’t accept that the words “bad” and “think” back-to-back made any sense. Certainly I was too stupid and needed help.

Tons of over-pronunciation to get it to understand the word “think” after “bad” left me terrified of the eventual day AI firmly takes over the world.

After spending way more time than I should have (and more time than it would have taken to just type the bloody words in manually) I said, “Think” (long pause) “A Bad”. That got me to where I needed to be.

Sure, it was victory today, but one day HAL 9000 Siri is going to say, “I’m sorry Blackwood, I’m afraid I can’t do that."

(And for a really frustrating experience, tell Siri you want to listen to The Hu, the Mongolian band. Ugh.)

But I digress... listening to X now.
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Just wish the mixes were a bit more adventurous. For the love of god, why aren't the jingle bells in the rears?!
Still, all of this music is such a joy, and his talent boggles the mind.

EDIT: Seems like the mixes are better on the singles album. Both Last Christmas and Everything She Wants sound way better and there's a lot more happening all around.
Some of the tracks on The Final are not exact versions of their original album counterparts. For example, Everything She Wants is a remix.

There is also this comp now in Atmos:
A bit of a brain download- with some notes made during listening to this:

Cmon, Cmon-

Like: rear backing vocals. Guitar left rear

White Wedding:

Like: Drums treated well- punchy. Backing ‘oohs’ much more clear. Prominent bass - easily traceable. Seems crankable- without fatigue ( not tested )

Hot in the city:

Dislike- would’ve placed synths in rears- seems to compete with front for space.

Like- clearly traceable bass-line. Piano stabs appear to be placed in heights. Interlude done well.

Dead on arrival-

Likes: seems wide-like soundstage. Center vocals clear. Guitar part’s clearly traceable-palm mutes, arpeggios, etc.

Nobody’s business:

Like: Punchy! Synth vocal clear. Spacious sounding, but still Rocking. Backing vocals clear. Nice drum pans (min to go)

Love calling:

Likes: demo worthy. Good spread using all speakers. Sax right heights. Crankable. Percussive elements not lost/traceable. Great interlude treatment.

Hole in the wall:
Like: Drums! Bass. Vocal presence. Demo worthy. Heights. Engaging guitar treatment. Great interlude treatment. (~2:30)

Shooting stars:

Likes: Vocal presence. Usage of heights sparkles like stars during verse “she’s shooting stars”. Great interlude treatment.

It’s so cruel:

Likes: Bass treatment, backing vocals in rears- projecting to fronts. Castanets in left heights. Sax in right rears. Demo worthy.

Congo man-

Like: Good presence.

Dislike: No thrills

Overall not many dislikes and 3 tracks demo worthy makes me think it’s one of the better Rock mixes out there.

Verdict: 9/10 (caveat 1st time listen to the non- single tracks on this album. Purists familiar with this may disagree )
Wouldn't mind if Paul Hicks did the complete back catalogue of Billy Idol. He does great work. Haven't listened yet since I'm on vacation. Finally made my way to Liverpool. The Cavern Club tonight. Tribute band to the Beatles are playing. Great musicians. Really enjoyable. Just had to let you know. 😀
General observations:

- Agree on the Sheryl Crow - I think the Tuesday Night Music Club album atmos is excellent. I have a positive impression of all Sheryl Crow surround/immersive recordings - and note Sheryl - Music From The Feature Documentary in atmos. It certainly has made me pay more attention to Sheryl Crow.

- So far so good for the Neil Young on my end - Comes A Time and After The Gold Rush albums played so far. Certainly the recordings are coming across better than the old Harvest DVDA. I am sure glad Mr Young let this content make it's way onto Tidal.

- Re: A Bad Think - recommended here; there is something about the mood and themes with which I resonate these days. A Bad Think also released a new album Friday - Short Street - which I just listened to in full quality atmos - first impressions favourable (especially the single Hammer and the Plow) Short St. | IAA
General observations:

- Agree on the Sheryl Crow - I think the Tuesday Night Music Club album atmos is excellent. I have a positive impression of all Sheryl Crow surround/immersive recordings - and note Sheryl - Music From The Feature Documentary in atmos. It certainly has made me pay more attention to Sheryl Crow.

- So far so good for the Neil Young on my end - Comes A Time and After The Gold Rush albums played so far. Certainly the recordings are coming across better than the old Harvest DVDA. I am sure glad Mr Young let this content make it's way onto Tidal.

- Re: A Bad Think - recommended here; there is something about the mood and themes with which I resonate these days. A Bad Think also released a new album Friday - Short Street - which I just listened to in full quality atmos - first impressions favourable (especially the single Hammer and the Plow) Short St. |
Is Harvest Atmos mix available on Tidal in AU? It isn’t in the USA which is disappointing after today’s release of the other Atmos mixes.
Is Harvest Atmos mix available on Tidal in AU? It isn’t in the USA which is disappointing after today’s release of the other Atmos mixes.

Re: Harvest. No to Tidal Atmos; but yes to Amazon Atmos. Amazon is yet to get the other recent releases in Atmos that Tidal just received, though!
Re. Wham, I've owned Make it Big and The Final since some time in the mid-90s. True, The Final offered a bunch of extra value by including some longer versions and remixes.

The surround mix of Make it Big is a freaking revelation. For instance, Credit Card Baby. The double/overlaid vocals about three quarters through are spread across different speakers and it's SUCH a joy!! Never heard them so clearly. And this goes for the rest of the album too. Yeah, some odd mixing decisions here and there (agree, why no horns in the back on Freedom?), but overall, this is a ton of fun.

Quick PSA: Freedom on Make it Big is the longer 5:19 minute version on Apple while TIDAL has the original 5:02ish album version. The 5:19 minute version is the same as on The Final with a longer fade-out. Inexplicably, Freedom also sounds much better on Apple than TIDAL. On TIDAL, it's jarring listening through the whole album and all of a sudden, threre's this noticeable drop in sound quality when you get to Freedom. Much less bass. Curious.

Adding The Final and The Singles to my playlist for today. Damn this is a good time to be alive.

So we're only missing the Edge thingy album now, right?
Maybe learn to to spell her name before you do that.

It's not the kind of name you just "get right".
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Re. Wham, I've owned Make it Big and The Final since some time in the mid-90s. True, The Final offered a bunch of extra value by including some longer versions and remixes.

The surround mix of Make it Big is a freaking revelation. For instance, Credit Card Baby. The double/overlaid vocals about three quarters through are spread across different speakers and it's SUCH a joy!! Never heard them so clearly. And this goes for the rest of the album too. Yeah, some odd mixing decisions here and there (agree, why no horns in the back on Freedom?), but overall, this is a ton of fun.

Quick PSA: Freedom on Make it Big is the longer 5:19 minute version on Apple while TIDAL has the original 5:02ish album version. The 5:19 minute version is the same as on The Final with a longer fade-out. Inexplicably, Freedom also sounds much better on Apple than TIDAL. On TIDAL, it's jarring listening through the whole album and all of a sudden, threre's this noticeable drop in sound quality when you get to Freedom. Much less bass. Curious.

Adding The Final and The Singles to my playlist for today. Damn this is a good time to be alive.

So we're only missing the Edge thingy album now, right?
The ‘Freedom’ version on ‘The Final’ I find a far superior version- so has all worked out very well. Overall I agree that these sound very good.